PCOS, getting my period, Ovulation???
Before surgery- I think I have had 15-20 periods my entire life. Most brought on by provera. 3 of my 4 children are from fertility treatments including IUI, clomid, and many herbs and natural methods. Long story short, I did not ovulate on my own. Only when on metformin and clomid. So after surgery, I was surprised when I got a period within 5 days after surgery. Well about 3 weeks later I noticed some "signs" of ovulation, I went and got an opk and to my surprise, instantly positive. Well 3 months later- I have a cycle every 30-34 days and every month have had a pos opk. If you don't have it I would recommend the book, taking charge of your fertility. It is so valuable to see all the signs that show ovulation is on its way. This month I was actually able to predict ovulation to a 6 hr time frame. And low and behold, I had my 2 + opk the day before and late morning, then 10 hrs later had a neg opk. The following days temps and body signs indicate that I was right on. Now the true test will be in about 2 yrs when we try to get pregnant again. Then I will let you know that I was infact (hopefully) right. Best wishes!