Confused...IR and Type 2
No, IR & Type 2 are different. IR is insulin resistance. This means that your glucose is normal, but your body cannot correctly utilize the insulin your body produces. Because of this your body is resistant to it and because it's not being used correctly there is a build up of insulin in your blood stream. IR usually leads to Type 2.
Type 2 refers to Type II Diabetes Mellitus. This is when your body cannot equalize your blood glucose. This results in high blood levels of glucose (blood sugars). This happens typically when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or IR has gotten bad enough that the body doesn't use insulin.
Although both are bad...Type II is worse because over time uncontrolled diabetes can lead to neuropathy (nerve damage), circulation problems in the extremities, kidney problems and I'm sure more (but that's all I can think of now). Not to mention that severe high/low blood sugar levels can make you very ill and in extreme cases lead to death.
I was one who had IR for years before becoming Type II diabetic. Fortunately for me I was only diabetic for a year and then I had surgery. Thank GOD for this surgery because since surgery my glucose, insulin & A1C levels have all been normal.
Good luck and I hope this answered your question!