Cycle changes after surgery??
I've always had pretty consistent 32-35 days cycles. Af came 2 weeks after surgery right on time and was normal. (Huge cramps and all!!)
NOW I'm on the forty fifth day and no sign of AF. I did POAS... panicking because we've been extra careful to not get pregnant and it was negative. (phew!!)
Before having the surgery, I had read a lot of other PCOSers stories and it seems the norm is for cycles to become more regular.
Anyone else experienced anything like this??
I am 3 years post op and mine did return to normal... HOWEVER... (and I dont say this happens to everyone) it then changed again and came on with a vengeance! I began to bleed so much I became anemic... couldn't take the iron pills and ended up having an infusion. Just recently I had a uterine cryoablation procedure to stop my bleeding. Its been 3 weeks and I am glad I had it done. I went from being morbidly obese with no period to loosing 165+lbs and having a regular period then having one that rarely stopped. It's been quite a journey