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Kathy M.
on 11/1/04 6:20 am - rockaway, ny
Topic: RE: TERROR - NY Style - Something to think about
Mike, For flight 587, pilot error was what the FAA reported within hours of the crash. The NTSB report did not take into consideration the eye witness reports from NYC Police and Firefighters among others. I don't know what the reason was, maybe pilot error, metal fatigue or sabotage, but I don't think we got the truth. I don't know why. The reason I linked it to an environment of fear is that most of us felt we were under direct attack since the crash created multiple explosions. John Kerry did not run away in Viet Nam. He completed one tour of duty and started a second before his honorable discharge and third purple heart. His Daddy might have been able to get him into the Air National Guard, too, but he chose to stand and fight. He spoke up about atrocities in the Viet Nam war. Remember the Mai Lai massacre? It's part of history and led to a series of congressional hearings and courts marshal hearings. He has voted against some obsolete military defense systems. So did your BUDDY Dick Cheney who was in Congress at the time and Porter Goss who has been chosen to lead the CIA. Actually I don'****ch CBS. I watch CNN, MSNBC and force myself to sit through a lot of Fox News shows to catch alternate points of view. What accurate, unbiased, reliable source do you suggest?
v J.
on 11/1/04 6:01 am - dallas, tx
Topic: RE: Anyone seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
Oh and i just feel soo much safer since bush has been our president. I sleep so much better at night knowing my best friends son is fighting a war that is totally rediculous. Im am sure he is sleeping well too. NOT!! Bush has done enough damage. ITS TIME TO CALL IN THE REAL MAN!!!!
Kathy M.
on 11/1/04 5:54 am - rockaway, ny
Kathy M.
on 11/1/04 5:49 am - rockaway, ny
Topic: RE: A woman's right to choose..
You're wrong to assume it will always be legal. We have a very conservative Supreme Court. An estimated 1 - 3 judges will be replaced by the next administration. That could tip the balance and overturn Roe v. Wade. Not everyone agrees that it's murder and I don't believe it's right to impose your opinions on those that don't share our religious or ethical views.
Kathy M.
on 11/1/04 5:39 am - rockaway, ny
Topic: RE: Kerry supporters please answer question
I am being honest. I'm not as familiar with his record as I should be. The people of Mass. must be happy enough with him to have re-elected him. Well according to the US Navy Kerry is a war hero. They have records to prove it. I have no reason to doubt the Navy. Why do call him a traitor? Because he had an opinion -- took a stand. Gee first he has the guts to enlist in the Navy, when he could have gotten deferrals like Dick Cheney. Then he comes home and has the guts to disagree with popular opinion and stand up before the country and speak them. Deserters are traitors and we all know who that describes! Well it looks like George Bush loves war or at least sending other peoples kids to war. Afghanistan was one thing. I agree with going there, but he blew it and let Bin Laden go. If he hadn't diverted the troops to Iraq, maybe we would have caught him. None of you Bush people can explain to me, why Iraq? Why not Saudi Arabia? After all 15 of the 19 highjackers came from there. They harbor terrorists on a huge scale. NO, he has a different agenda and it sure isn't patriotism or keeping us safe on our soil.
Mike F.
on 11/1/04 5:35 am - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: A woman's right to choose..
Well I can see we will never agree on this subject, so I guess we have to agree to disagree and be done with it. Most of you have made valid arguements and points, and I still respect you all as fellow WLSers and BB members.. But I still believe that taking an innocent life is wrong. Just as it would be very wrong to kill my next door neighbor, it is also (in my opinion) wrong to kill an unborn baby. -mike STILL PRO-LIFE, STILL ANTI-KERRY
on 11/1/04 5:26 am - Manchester, NY
Topic: RE: A woman's right to choose..
Not everyone agrees it is 'murder' A bunch of cells in the first trimester cannot sustain life on their own. You also make it sound like it is just sooo easy to just put a baby up for adoption. Sure, there are plenty of couples out there just waiting for a baby of their own - but the vast majority want a HEALTHY WHITE NEWBORN. What does that say for those who are minorities? What about those with disfigurements and so on? I'm not saying all these "unwanted" babies should have been aborted, but to say "just give it up for adoption" ain't that easy. Too many of these kids wind up in foster homes becoming more and more 'unadoptable' as they get older. I suggest you open your home and wallets to support all of these kids. PRO-CHOICE, ANTI-BUSH
Mike F.
on 11/1/04 5:24 am - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: Kerry supporters please answer question
Hmm, No Surrender.. Could you please show me where you get your info?? So far I've only heard bits and pieces of Kerry's record. I guess he's ashamed of the rest and is trying to hide it. I can't even find his voting record You'd think if it was so darn impressive, there'd be a link to it on the front page. By the way, where do you get YOUR news?? CBS? Dan Rather?? You call Dan Rather the REAL STORY when his stories are based on fake documents??
Mike F.
on 11/1/04 5:14 am - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: A woman's right to choose..
Are you saying that the government should have nothing to say regarding murder?? Are you saying the government has no right to protect the living, even the ones who are not yet able to speak for themselves? So if I wanted to go out and kill someone, it should be "safe, legal, and rare"? As far as Me (because I'm a man) having no idea what it's like, well you're right there, I don't. But you see, women DO have other options.. they can give their "mistake" up for adoption to a loving family who would do anything to raise a child. I just don't see how throwing a living, growing, innocent child away like it was yesterday's newspaper is anything but WRONG, plain and simple! And as I said, unless she was raped or something of that nature, the woman HAD THE CHOICE to either DO IT, or NOT DO IT!! Call it whatever you want.. abortion is still murder! -Mike PRO-LIFE, ANTI-KERRY.
on 11/1/04 4:49 am - Oxford, MA
Topic: RE: The Mother of all flip flops!!
You mean THESE flip-flops? (add your www) (and for the record, it is a partisan site, but every assertion made on that page has a link to a source for the information)
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