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Mike F.
on 11/1/04 11:30 pm - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: A woman's right to choose..
Kathy, Thank you for clarifying yourself. Yes, I did think you were telling me I had no right to share my opinion. (funny how things can be really misinterpreted, especially when it's typed instead of spoken ) I was not trying to be rude by telling you to go to the Crochet board, and yes, whether you were Kathy or Kevin I would have said the same thing. I was merely saying that being a politics board that this is, it's going to get "hot" in here with all different opinions and dissagreements. Which I'm sure is why we can't talk politics out in the main board. Though I dissagree with your opinions on abortion and Kerry, I do respect them, and I truly respect your right to dissagree. That's the great thing about living in America! This country is by far the greatest. If we were living in some other countries (such as Iraq while Saddam was still in power) we would probably all be arrested for saying the things we've said on this board. Freedom is a beautiful thing. You will never change my opinion and I'm sure I'll never change yours, either. That's ok.. as I said before, we can agree to disagree!
Mike F.
on 11/1/04 11:15 pm - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: A woman's right to choose..
Actually, Miss Mel... I DO think abortion should be "legal" in times of Rape, Incest, or if the mother's life is in danger. As I said before, I think women SHOULD have a choice. Women who are raped and involved in incest did NOT have a choice when it came to whether to have sex or not, so therefore I do feel they should have a choice as to whether to carry the baby or not. HOWEVER, a good majority of "unwanted" pregnancies happen because two people get together in bed and can't seem to think beyond the next ten minutes. They made their choice (the WRONG ONE) to have sex without the ability or desire to raise a baby, even though everyone with an IQ above 10 knows that babies do sometimes happen from having sex. They are unwilling to accept the possible consequences of their actions. Even though there are so many different forms of contraception available, they are even unwilling to use them. Do you really think that it's right to punish and murder an innocent unborn baby for that?? And you think the government should protect that right?? I don't think so! Second of all, wanting to protect human life is not "just a religious thing".. I think ANY American (religious or not) who saw someone's life in danger would want to do all they can to protect it. And it's especially true for those little innocent children who have no ability to protect themselves. And third, I think the argument that "if abortion is illegal it will still happen" is pretty stupid. Snorting Cocaine is illegal and still happens.. Robbing a bank is illegal and still happens.. Drunk driving is illegal and still happens ..(I could go on and on). Do you think we should legalize these things because "they happen anyway"? -Mike Pro-life, Anti-Kerry
Kathy M.
on 11/1/04 11:11 pm - rockaway, ny
Topic: RE: Really scarey.
Many people don't believe that Iraq was a threat because they never exported terror. Hussein used chemical weapons on his own people, but not other countries. Many people believe that George Bush lied three ways. 1) He presented only the intelligence that said Hussein hadn't destroyed his WMDs. 2) He said there was a strong like between Sadam and Al Qaeda. 3) He said he would only invade Iraq as a last resort, when he probably had no intentions of following through with that promise. Well here's the deal with 380 tons of conventional explosives. You'd need a pretty good size barge to get them over here to the US. The WMDs the president forecasted he'd use would come in the form of a dirty bomb in a suit case or a vile or two of an airborn toxin. Unfortunately the explosives that were lost, probably fell into the hands of the insurgents and are being used to kill or maim our troops.
Kathy M.
on 11/1/04 10:57 pm - rockaway, ny
Topic: RE: A woman's right to choose..
Thank you Miss Mel for clarifying my point. Mike, I didn't say you couldn't express or share your opinion, you just can't force people to live by your beliefs. When you say stay off the politics board and go to the Crocheting forum you're showing your misogenous side. Would you have said that if my name was Kevin instead of Kathy? Go ahead. Get angry. You sure don't have logic or facts to support your points, so go ahead and yell and call people names.
Miss M.
on 11/1/04 9:59 pm - McHenry, IL
Topic: RE: A woman's right to choose..
When Kathy says that it's not right to impose your ethical or religious views on others, I don't think she's talking about your verbal impositions. She's talking about legislating morality based upon one view of religious truth. It's not right to decide that the Christian belief system is for everyone, and thus create legislation based solely on the Bible. Was our nation founded by Christians? Yes. Was our nation founded with the promise of religious freedom and the separation of church and state? YES. And all you keep talking about is careless pregnant women--what about the ones who were raped? What about ultra high-risk pregnancies, where the woman has to choose between her life and carrying a child to term? Making abortion illegal not only makes it ultimately more dangerous, but it cuts off options to people in these situations. Furthermore, whether or not abortion is legal, it will always happen. Making it illegal just increases the danger and the shame associated with it. Let's stigmatize the lower classes, the poor, and the uneducated a little more, shall we?
on 11/1/04 8:50 pm - Manchester, NY
Topic: RE: A woman's right to choose..
Ok, we can agree to disagree STILL PRO-CHOICE AND ANTI-BUSH!
Mike F.
on 11/1/04 7:31 am - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: Really scarey.
Ok.. I consider myself fairly intelligent, but I admit there's something here I need help understanding. All these Kerry supporters keep saying that Iraq was NOT a threat. Everyone (Bush, Kerry, probably the majority of the American public..) Thought Saddam had WMD. Now, the second we find out that he didn't, every democrat in the country is saying "That Bush is a no-good liar.. he SAID there were WMDs just cuz he likes war and wanted to get rid of Saddam. And Saddam was not a threat to the US".. But now we find out about these 380 TONS of explosives.. wouldn't explosives be considered WMD?? I mean a weapon of mass distruction is for the purpose of killing lots of people. If Saddam only wanted to kill ONE person, wouldn't a gun be a better choice?? And wouldn't Saddam having 380 TONS of explosives be considered a huge danger to America?? Just wondering what the conservatives think about this?? -Mike PRO-BUSH ALL THE WAY!
Mike F.
on 11/1/04 7:14 am - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: A woman's right to choose..
Kathy, RE: "Not everyone agrees that it's murder and I don't believe it's right to impose your opinions on those that don't share our religious or ethical views"... Last time I checked, this is America. Just as YOU can say bad things about Bush, I can say bad things about Kerry. Just as YOU can criticize me for being pro-life, I can criticize YOU for being pro-choice. There's this thing called the First Amendment. You see, it works both ways. If you don't want to be criticized for your beliefs, then I suggest you stay OUT of the politics board and somewhere a little more friendly (The Crocheting board, maybe?). Though I totally disagree with you, I don't mind when you disagree with me. You see, we all have different opinions, and have the right to express them. That's one of the many wonderful things about living in this great country of ours! BTW.. I hope your right! I hope Roe V Wade IS someday overturned. I personally doubt it will ever happen (being realistic here) but I can surely hope! -Mike PRO-BUSH, PRO-LIFE, ANTI-FLIPFLOPPIN' TRAITORS WHO SAY WHATEVER WILL GET THEM ELECTED (Yes, I'm talkin' about your little weasle buddy Kerry)
Kathy M.
on 11/1/04 6:25 am - rockaway, ny
Topic: RE: Afghanistan
Sigh! There I go again. I keep forgetting that spin trumps the facts these days.
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