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Kathy M.
on 11/5/04 6:20 am - rockaway, ny
Topic: RE: Kerry supporters please answer question
Did you see Fahrenheit 9/11? My guess is you probably didn't. Most Republicans rant and rave about it, but refuse to watch it. If you haven't seen it, just where are you getting your 'reality'? Fox News? I saw it with a group of people with varied political opinions. Many were shaken after it. I'm so surprised that your father went to Viet Nam and you support someone who did so much to avoid combat. In fact many called him a deserter. I'm a Kerry supporter and abortion is not cool with me. That's my PERSONAL choice. I don't try and make moral decisions for other people. Neither does Kerry. As a matter of fact his much maligned wife does volunteer work to try and counsel women against it. Did you know the rate of abortions in this country doubled under George Bush, from the last term under Clinton? I heard that on Bill O'Reilly's show. It's because the economy went sour. more people were unemployed and women didn't think they could afford to have their babies. As far as Marriage is concerned, my religion tells me who I can or cannot marry. My government doesn't have to. I'm straight, but have never felt that what other people chose to do threatens my choices. As far as developing a concensus around the world, we had almost total support for going into Afghanistan after 9/11. I, most of the nations of the world, and 48% of our population still don't understand why we went into Iraq. 15 of the 19 hijackers that killed 3000 of our people came from Saudi Arabia. Why didn't we invade them instead? Dream on, but history is not going to see him as an awesome president. Historians of the future are just going to wonder how so many people were duped. 62% of people who voted for W think there's a real connection between Sadam & Al Qaeda because that's the way is was 'spun.' It was said by George, Dick and Condoleeza. They since retracted their statements but no one listened. As another wise person once said our society will be judged by what we do for the least among us. Enjoy you rebate.
Mike F.
on 11/5/04 3:09 am - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: Kerry supporters please answer question
Kelle.. Maybe instead of believing all the crap you hear and repeating it like it were some "intelligent piece of news", maybe you should stop and think back a few years. On September 10, 2001 we didn't consider Bin Laden anymore than a nuisance, either. It only took one day later to show us how dangerous he and his followers really were. And Bin Laden didn't have WMDs either. If he did, he didn't use them against us... no, he used OUR PLANES against us. I firmly believe that the ONLY difference in Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein is timing.. Osama attacked us and Saddam didn't.. yet. But given more time, I can almost guarantee you he would have. He certainly wanted to and it was only a matter of time until he did. It's amazing.. these same people who criticized Bush for taking the proactive stance and taking out Saddam before Saddam took US out are the very same people who blamed Bush for not doing enough to protect us from Osama and 9/11.. As I have said before, democrats are hypocrits through and through!!! -Mike
Mike F.
on 11/5/04 2:48 am - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: A woman's right to choose..
RE: "..The argument is that illegal abortions are much more dangerous, unsanitary, and life-threatening than safe, legal ones. It's not a stupid argument, it's something that needs to be considered--are people really willing to go back to a time of back alley abortions where young women die because they made mistakes?.." Yeah, I think we ought to legalize drunk driving, too. I know drunk driving kills, but it's even more dangerous when it's illegal. Think about all those drunk drivers, who when they see those flashing red and blue lights in the mirror, try to run away from the law. It's dangerous enough to have someone intoxicated on the highway, but then to have them driving 110 mph while trying to flee the police is even worse. So, if it was legal then the additional deaths from car chases and fleeing the police would never have happened. I think making drinking and driving legal would therefore make it safer. NOW DO YOU SEE HOW STUPID THIS ARGUMENT SOUNDS?? -mike
Mike F.
on 11/5/04 2:37 am - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: A woman's right to choose..
Sally, Thank you for your great post. Not once did I say that the man involved had no responsibility in the pregnancy. If that's how you interpreted it, then I apologize for not getting my point accross correctly. It DOES take two to tango, TWO people who made the wrong choice. But just as an unwanted baby is the man's fault, except in cases of rape and incest, the woman is also equally to blame. -Mike
Mike F.
on 11/5/04 2:25 am - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: "The Johns have been flushed!"
Anne, FYI my and my wife COMBINED make $60,000 a year. Hardly anywhere near "Upper class" status. We HAVE recieved two refund checks from the Bush administration, and since the year 2000, the taxes taken out of my paycheck HAVE gone down. I've never seen that ever happen when Clinton was president, and if Kerry would have won you can guarantee that taxes would have gone way back up, especially if he were successful in his national healthcare plan. Many financial experts (including many democrats) have analyzed his plan and have said it is 100% impossible to fund a national healthcare plan funded solely by taking away the tax cuts of the top 2%. As for being bilingual, I think it's great you can speak more than one language. I wish I were able to as well. But I am proud of my English speaking abilities and don't ever intend make a different language my primary form of communication. -Mike
Mike F.
on 11/5/04 2:07 am - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: "The Johns have been flushed!"
Oh.. and while I'm still on the subject of Unity, do you think it was Michael Moore's objective to unify this country when he produced such a hateful, biased piece of propaganda (Fehrenheit 911)? Do you think it was the goal of the Dixie Chicks to unite this country with their "We're so ashamed to be from the same state as the president" comment?? How 'bout Bruce Springsteen and his "ROCK AGAINST BUSH" concerts.. didn't seem very unifying to me. What about John Kerry's own constant criticism of our troops?? Man, that sure seems like a PERFECT way to further devide this country. It's amazing how Democrats always "speak of unity" and yet their actions speak the exact oposite. Yep, they're hypocrits!
Kelle W
on 11/4/04 11:35 am - Atlanta, GA
Topic: RE: A post for No Surrender
Wow, what an incredibly insightful comment. Thank you for your fabulous display of the English language.
on 11/4/04 10:28 am - Spicewood, TX
Topic: RE: "The Johns have been flushed!"
Lower taxes???Well - you must be one of the ones in those upper income brackets. I chose to work in public education and have to work two jobs to pay my mortgage and bills...I won't be seeing any tax break from this administration. As for speaking Arabic - I trust you speak Spanish - as by the year 2012 - we (Spanish speaking people) will be the majority in the United States - and guess what - we think it is great to be bilingual...
on 11/4/04 10:25 am - Spicewood, TX
Topic: RE: Wonder why this didn't come out until today....
Take comfort in the fact that we can only endure 4 years of George W. Then he is gone. (Unfortunately - GOd forbid - someone told me they will be pushing for Jeb to take his place.) Take comfort in the fact that the Republicans will - after a year or so - need to acknowledge that the horrid condition of our economy is the result of Republican forces. I for one am still exploring job opps in Canada and Mexico - I am too scared for my son's lives to just sit back and wait to see what happens.
Sally C.
on 11/4/04 9:51 am - colesville, MD
Topic: RE: Wonder why this didn't come out until today....
Oh this is real important! Sounds kind of childish to me. Get over girl, W's in and it was the majority vote and the elect. votes that did it. The dems simply did not have a canidate that the Americans wanted to in the White House. If Leiberman had gone further, then the Dems would have had a fighting chance. But the extreme left liberal drivers in the Dem party had to dress up Kerry as their man. Better luck next time. Go George Go! Sally
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