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Topic: RE: At the very least...
You sound like a sore LOSER. This is my president you are speaking about. If Kerry had one I would have given him respect also. This is the difference between you and I. Kerry lost because of people like you,and Michael Moore spewing all of the Hate talk. Hate does not create a winner.
Topic: RE: A post for No Surrender
How dare you claim that people that voted opposite of you dont care about this country. This is your justification as to why your man lost the election.I asked you to convince me as to why I should have voted different and what Kerry 's record was and I am still waiting for an answer.So was the rest of the country. Go move to a Blue state if you can find one.
Topic: RE: At the very least...
I'm not peeling my stickers off at all.
The way I look at it, Kerry didn't lose. America lost.
And as all the reasons to say "I told you so" pop up, my car is going to be saying it for me every day. I did not vote for the AWOL cokehead.
Topic: RE: A post for No Surrender
Thank you for this.
It's absolutely true that if we can "**** in a river and dump battery acid in a stream" that we don't care even about our earth.
And this election is proof-positive that Americans don't care much about America.
Topic: Dropping dollar.... deficits too high....
(no need to add www. Just http://)
Not even a week out and the "I told you so's" are building up.
Topic: RE: "The Johns have been flushed!"
I'm sorry someone offended you. There's no excuse for that. Don't blame all Democrats for that. Just like I won't blame all Republicans for someone on the main board saying they're glad, "...a man of morals won instead of Kerry." Well, I share Kerry's morals so what does that make me? A person without morals? Just because John Kerry and I share our Roman Catholic morals and not your Christian Evangelical ones, does that mean our morals aren't real. He and I both believe illegitimate war is wrong, capital punishment is wrong and abortion is wrong. His wife is a volunteer counselor helping people choose life, just like you. Our country was founded on the basis of religious freedom, not religious dictatorialism.
Am I immoral for feeling that people should make their own decisions regarding when life begins?
While we're on the subject of potty mouths let's talk about George Bush and Dick Cheney. During the last campaign W called a reporter an "a--hole" and Cheney replied "Big Time!" Let's also remember Cheney telling Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont to "Go F--- yourself!" So is it ok to be a potty mouth if you're a Republican and a MAN?
please don't demonize Democrats because of what you hear. Of course I won't demonize Republicans because I used to be one.
Topic: RE: Kerry supporters please answer question
Actually you're incorrect on quite a few things here...George W was given a briefing by the CIA during his summer "vacation", that stated that Bin Laden was determined to strike within the US. And before you try to say that's BS, check out the Senate hearing video testemony of Condoleza Rice who verified that the briefing outlined Bin Laden's determination. Perhaps if he had been in the office more often than playing cowboy on his Texas ranch, he would have paid more attention.
As far as the difference between Sadam and Bin Laden, I understand that they're both evil men who don't have the good of anyone else on their minds or in their hearts. However, preemptive wars are something that the US has never engaged in before. Bush's actions have pleased half the country and horrified the other. And what side of that divide you fall on tells me a lot about your personality.
And whether you like it or not, Democrats are not going to go away. And let me assure you they don't have the corner on the market for hypocrits. Perhaps the fact that the economy has been so run down Bush's administration, along with the lose of jobs, isn't quite so much of an unfortunate cir****tance for Bush. After all, all those 18 year old inner city kids are gonna need some way to make a living....and he just happens to have this war he needs fighting.....something to think about.
Topic: RE: "The Johns have been flushed!"
Yesterday I sent an email to an obvious Kerry supporter and shared my opinion. I received a rant full of nasty mean comments. I was even told, "you have a shi--y God!" As well as some other choice words. This explains why so many are turned off by the left.
I thought we were all to be "tolerant". I guess that means only as long as you agree with them. She proved once again (like Whoopie G. and Theresa Heinz) that being a potty mouth is a must as a leftist.
But honestly what bothered me more than anything else, is that I thought we had one thing in common to share or struggle through, obesity. To be attacked by someone in your own "neighborhood" was shocking.
Why are the leftist so uncivil? It cannot be justified. I get angry, but cannot attack someone's personal faith no matter the arguement. This was simply way over.
Be blessed everyone and have a terrif weekend.
Topic: RE: Wonder why this didn't come out until today....
You're so right about listening to all side of the issues, or as many as you can hear. I listened to Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannigan for a month before the elections because I was trying so hard to understand the other side. Last night as I was flipping channels, I thought, Halleliujah! I don't have to listen to those idiots for another four years!
Topic: RE: A woman's right to choose..
Yeah, you're absolutely right. Abortion is definitely a solid parallel to drunk driving. (insert sarcasm here)
The fundamental difference that you and I seem to be stuck on is that I don't believe that first-term, early abortions kill babies. I believe they eliminate viable cells that have the potential to become babies, but I also believe that a woman has the right to decide whether or not to take on that responsibility. To me, a grown woman has more rights and privileges than a bundle of cells. Yes, I think people should take responsibility for their actions, but it's not up to the government to mandate that type of morality.
I think we're at a stalemate, and since we've gotten to the point that you're calling my arguments stupid, I'm done discussing.