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Topic: RE: Dropping dollar.... deficits too high....
Tell that to all the families who have lost sons, daughters, fathers, etc because Bush couldn't go after the real culprits of 9/11...I hope you don't have any young men you love....cause once Bush reinstates the draft they'll be fair game like all the rest....
Topic: RE: A post for No Surrender
Why do you assume I voted for Kerry? And if you think that only 51% of the nation voting for you is "soundly" winning the election, perhaps you'd better reconsider. Almost exactly half of this country would have rather had Kerry than Bush.....and the people who don't support Bush are not going away either...Everything that goes in the toilet in the next 4 years can be definitively placed at the feet of the republican party. Come back and talk to me about "options" then....
Topic: RE: A post for No Surrender
You're right, I'm not a proud American. I'm disgraced by the state we've allowed this country to get to. A country that started off as a great endeavor and has become a nation of mindless automatons who follow and hang on every word their "leader" says as he makes horrific decisions over and over again. And by the way, that thread had absolutely nothing to do with defense. It had to do with the environment. But Bush supporters can't talk about anything else. No environmental policy? We've got loads of weapsons! Bush's inability to create jobs in America and keep the ones we have from being shipped overseas? Wow, look at all our bombs! I'll tell you what, I feel more at risk and ill at ease with Bush in office than I would were he not. He creates enemies out of people (and I do mean common people, not just governments) that were not our enemies before.
My distaste of Bush has absolutely nothing to do with whether Kerry won or lost....and isn't it a big assumption on your part to assume that I voted for Kerry....cause I didn't....he's not my fav guy either, but he's a damn sight better than Bush. There were other options on the ballet this year...maybe you should quite spouting the pro-Bush rhetoric for a minute and think about what's TRULY best for your country, not just today, but in the long run.
Topic: RE: A post for No Surrender
You might want to do yourself and all of us a favor and think about some of the things you are saying. For example..
"..And guess what, without protecting the environment, eventually there won't be a United States of America.".. You are right, that without protecting the environment eventually we won't be here, but yet you voted for a "man" who wanted to cut our military to shreds, he has voted many many times to cut our military in HALF, voted to get rid of just about every single military and defense weapon this country owns?? Now I certainly don't think it would be a very prudent thing, in these days where there are terrorists throughout the world who hate our guts and are just waiting to attack us. Yes, the environment is important.. but even more so is our ability to defend ourselves. I still don't understand how your buddy could have the audacity to vote to cut our military every chance he got, and then criticize our president because "there's not enough troops in Iraq". That just shows what a two-faced hypocrit Kerry is. Speaking of which, your.. "you're just another person who never stops to think for themselves and swallows everything their leader tells them" line made me laugh. Kerry is the master of pandering, he told one group this and another group that.. he always knew to tell his current audience what THEY wanted to hear. He had so many different stances on Iraq, depending on the day of the week, and how the polls were looking. There are so many other issues Kerry has flip-flopped on or worded carefully to appeal to both sides, such as religion, Iraq, gay marriage, etc.. I think it's so ironic you would say something like that when Kerry was the master of flip-flops..
and regarding your "I don't believe that everyone who voted for Bush hates this country" line.. well that's true. I'm very proud to say I voted for Bush and I'm very, very proud to say that I am an American, which I guess those of you democrats who are about ready to run away to Canada in protest because your buddy didn't win, I guess you're not proud Americans, otherwise you wouldn't be saying such disgraceful things about our country. I'm also proud and thankful for our troops who fought in all the wars this great country has faced, so that we could continue to live in this beautiful land of liberty and freedom.
Topic: RE: Dropping dollar.... deficits too high....
more jobs every month, stocks higher, oil down..
Yep, those "I told you so's" get better every day!
Topic: RE: A post for No Surrender
Yes, thats the tolerant, inclusive left. Just attack people who don't agree with you. I guess thats your best option though since your candidates ideas were so soundly rejected in the election.
Topic: RE: A post for No Surrender
No, what you want is for someone to research everything for you and give you quick answers. If you were to take your blinders off and look around, you'd realize that there is truth to be found somewhere else than Bush "rhetoric". Bush poses with a redwood tree once a term and that's his environmental policy. No I don't believe that everyone who voted for Bush hates this country....but if you're looking for a solid environmental policy Bush is not your man. And guess what, without protecting the environment, eventually there won't be a United States of America.
And no, I don't think I'll move to a blue state...I kind of like living in the south and fighting for MY country in the trenches.
Why don't YOU go somewhere to another post that has your name on're just another person who never stops to think for themselves and swallows everything their "leader" tells them. I don't have time for people like gone before someone drops a house on your sister.
Topic: RE: A post for No Surrender
Here's some reading for you! Apparently Kerry lost because Bush supporters are clueless.
Topic: RE: Dropping dollar.... deficits too high....
Another "told you so" - why did we not envade Faluga (sp?) before the election???Because the body count and injury count would be bad for reelection....
What is going to happen to the 1000's of soldiers who have been maimed for life when they get back home to the US - where there are no jobs to be had, their benefits have been cut, etc.,etc.