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Mike F.
on 11/29/04 8:14 am - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: Dropping dollar.... deficits too high....
Anne, You really think this is a battle for oil?? You really need to pull your head back out of your butt and learn the facts. You must be actually gullible and naive enough to believe Michael Moore's propaganda.. Next thing you know you'll offer to buy my ocean front property in North Dakota! -Mike
Mike F.
on 11/29/04 8:09 am - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: Dropping dollar.... deficits too high....
Kathy, I don't know about home heating oil, since my home is heated by natural gas.. but yes, gas prices here in Utah HAVE dropped about 15 cents/gallon in the past month. I agree, it's still way too high, but at least we're making some progress. -Mike
Mike F.
on 11/29/04 7:21 am - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: Don't ya know... it's the Democrats that are so divisive!
No Surrender.. You tryin' to stir up trouble again? I'm STILL trying to figure out what the democrats are truly doing to "unite" this country.. Maybe, for just a few minutes you can put your "Bush-bashing" on hold and tell me all the "great" things the democrats are doing. (This should be interesting!) -Mike
Mike F.
on 11/29/04 7:14 am - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: How to fix the intelligence community.... NOT!
Kathy, Sorry to offend you, calling you "sister".. I meant that in a friendly way. Of course I know you hate me, but it's no surprise. Most Democrats DO hate those with opposing views. As for me, I may not agree with your views, but I have no ill feelings against you personally, nor do I have any bad feelings against No Surrender, Kelle W, or any of the others on here. I try to be friends with EVERYONE, including those with differing opinions. Oh and women with brains don't bother me at all. My wife has more brains than you and I combined.. and I love her very much. -Mike
Mike F.
on 11/29/04 7:06 am - West Jordan, UT
Topic: RE: How to fix the intelligence community.... NOT!
No Surrender, For once we agree on something! I agree 200% that Rolling Stone is by no means "quality reading". The point I was trying to make is that, regardless of medium or location of the obscenity, John Kerry was running for the democratic nomination at the time of the interview. Now if I were running for the democratic or republican or ANY party's nomination for president, I sure wouldn't be dumb enough to use that kind of crude language.. even if it was in Rolling Stone. But of course, that kind of talk from YOUR boy gets no recognition whatsoever. All you can do is criticize Dick Cheney use of the word. As I said before, I do not in any shape or form, condone Dick Cheney's cursing in Congress, either. I thought that was wrong, just like you did. But lets be fair.. if you're going to criticize one, criticize the other as well. I really don't think whether it's in the senate or in a Rolling Stone interview, or wherever.. it's still wrong. And I also admit when I'm wrong.. you are the exception to the rule here. Most of your Kerry-lovin' buddies on here WERE giving us the "unification" lecture. At least you've been true to yourself in this whole thing. I don't think you'd even SAY you want to see this country united. As I read all your posts, I don't think you'd ever like to see people working together for a common good. No, instead it's obvious you want to continue to breed hate between the Repubs and Demos and push them even further apart. -Mike
on 11/29/04 4:50 am - Oxford, MA
Topic: RE: How to fix the intelligence community.... NOT!
In the text of the message there are links to the sites that democratic underground used for it's information. I don't deny using democratic underground. What I posted was their material, but in the text of what I posted where links to MSNBC, The Guardian, and Common Dreams, which is where they got their information.
Kathy M.
on 11/29/04 4:38 am - rockaway, ny
Topic: RE: How to fix the intelligence community.... NOT!
Yes, this board was very divisive before the election, but you couldn't wait to rub our noses in it, when your boy won. That makes you a sore winner! Why do you say we're posting crap? Did you ever think for one moment that it might just be the truth and you're too programmed to understand it? And hey. I'm not your SISTER. Once again your misogyney comes shining through. Women with brains bother you, don't they? I know how to win gratiously. You wouldn't have heard a peep. I wouldn't have continued this debate at all, had I not read the tripe you're posting.
on 11/29/04 1:39 am - Oxford, MA
Topic: RE: Don't ya know... it's the Democrats that are so divisive!
Mike F, let me know if you need some salt w/ the shoe leather you're chewing on.
on 11/29/04 1:37 am - Oxford, MA
Topic: Don't ya know... it's the Democrats that are so divisive! This means if the Dems have a bill in which they can drum up enough GOP votes on to have a majority in the House, it will never make it to the floor because only those bills favored by a majority of GOP congressmen will make it to a vote. Gee, that doesn't sound divisive at all.
on 11/29/04 1:17 am - Oxford, MA
Topic: RE: "The Johns have been flushed!"
You know, just because they were called "refund checks" that doesn't mean they were really refunds. When is a "refund" not a "refund" when it's an advance on your return for the coming year, that's when. And while the taxes taken out of your paycheck have gone down, you are now probably paying higher property taxes, higher state taxes, higher gasoline taxes than you were before. My guess is that the net "refund" you got is in the negative numbers. But, since Bush "means what he says" then you got a "refund". Please, take some time to truly educate yourself about what is really happening. You are WRONG about the "refund". Unless you're a millionaire, you're not better off under Bush. The tax burden in this country disproportionately falls on working families under his tax plan.
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