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Topic: RE: Negativity on this board
OK, you want civil discussion.... here it is.
I'm not going to flip a gasket over your statement Kimanne. I'm going to ask you... what is it that you think GWB has done that is so wonderful that you are happy to have him back?
You like rising deficits?
You like the dropping dollar?
You like the "jobless recovery"?
You like that there are more terrorists in Iraq now than there were before we invaded?
You like the fact that the UN inspectors told us time and time again that there were no WMDs in Iraq that we IGNORED that information?
You like the fact that both Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell both said in 2001 that Saddam Hussein had no weapons capability to be a threat to us or to his neighbors and we invaded Iraq anyway?
You like that Osama Bin Laden is still on the loose because we let him go free while we invaded a country that was in no way a threat to us?
Donald Rumsfeld, when questioned about truck armor for our troops, says, "You don't always go to war with the army you want, you go with the army you have." So you like it that we sent in Army that was not equipped to defend itself to invade a country that was in no way a threat to us?
You like that the Medicare reform bill costs billions more than we were told it was going to cost and that the Bush administration knew this before it was signed?
You like that every thing this president does he does it in secrecy? He claims to protect the power of the Presidency, but what about the power of the people? If we have a government of and by the people, how can an inforned citizenry govern itself when all that happens goes on behind closed doors?
You like that Bush had to be dragged into an investigation into 9/11 kicking and screaming?
What I see is a country that is 1) less financially secure 2) less employed 3) less safe 4) less insured and 5) more secret than ever.
The bonuses of this are what?
Topic: RE: Accuracy in Media
You blasted one person for side-stepping the issues.
I didn't side-step the issues and I get blasted for "foaming at the mouth".
Just what do you expect us to do when you post--agree with you and tell you how brilliant you are? That's not about to happen. So if you're entertained by being handed your hat, then by all means, keep coming back.
Topic: RE: get a life
You put your foot in your mouth, and you do it with alarming regularity. It wasn't meant to be rude, it was simply meant to point out to you that you put your foot in your mouth and that you do it a lot. If you're offended by that, I'm truly sorry. Next time, I won't write that you're eating shoe leather. I'll merely say that you have your foot in your mouth again. Will you be offended by that?
Please, point out "several more".... if you can.
The reason why no one had heard from me in weeks is because no one had responded to me, so I didn't get a notice in my email that someone had responded to me. And you know what, you never did respond to me. What you should have said was, "Yes, No Surrender, I noticed that the GOP leadership was holding up a vote on that bill. You were right." I'll just assume that's what you were thinking.
I did put up a rather lengthy response to MH about the supposed under-reported stories, and I notice that instead of responding to my comments s/he managed to say that I was frothing at the mouth.... So much for the civility of the right. (If you'd like to deny that MH's response was anything other than an insult, I'll just let you know that the next time you talk about how uncivil the left is, you'll have your foot in your mouth.)
Tell me, how do you feel about the dropping dollar, the rising deficits and the rise in terrorist activity in Iraq?
Or would you rather argue about how civil I am or am not?
Topic: Negativity on this board
I love politics, always have. .. So I thought I'd venture off my home board WA State and see what this one was all about. It reminds me of some sort of teen board, everyone attacking everyone else and NO ONE listeing to what is actually being said! People swearing, calling each other names and NOT listening and debating in a respectful manner. Shame on me for thinking there would be a great discussion/debate going on here Oh and btw, I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY THAT PRESIDENT BUSH GOT 4 MORE YEARS!!!!!!!!! I'm sure some of you (you know who you are) will flip a gasket over that statement Anyway, hope you all become happier and more positive with the onset of the New Year!
XoXo~ Kimanne
Topic: RE: get a life
Yeah.. speaking of clamming up, it's been weeks since we last heard from you. Did it take you that long to think of a response for me and Sally?? And here we thought maybe you took her advice and "got a life".. guess not.
Oh and on your rude comments.. where do you want me to start?? You don't consider your "eating shoe leather" comment from several weeks back the slightest bit unkind? I could point out several more examples of your mean comments if you'd like...
(deactivated member)
on 12/31/04 1:44 am
on 12/31/04 1:44 am
Topic: RE: Accuracy in Media
I do not know Mike is so you will have to tell him yourself..
I get bored once in a while so I drop in here and post just for the ranting, raving and foaming at the mouth that happens everytime someone posts a different point of view.. great entertainment.. Thanks!!!
Topic: RE: get a life
I accepted your apology for telling me to get a life. And I'm sure you do have plenty to keep you busy. I did/do find it humorous that you felt that you needed to call me on how much time I spend here, when in all actuality, I really don't spend that much time here and all those posts I made were made over several weeks. But fine, you think you've "hit a nerve" and you think that you're keeping an eye on the "crazy left".
More power to you.
I won't make any comments about how much time you spend here or what your criteria is for judging me.
I also won't call you crazy.
But, I also won't let anything you say change my posting behavior.
And for those *****fuse to see the truth in my posts, well, I imagine some day history will prove me right.... and they'll still refuse to see it.
Topic: RE: Accuracy in Media
He lied about going to war. He argued that Saddam Hussein had WMDs, yet there are interviews with Colin Powell ("He has not developed any significant capabilities with respect to weapons of mass destruction."
February 2001) and Condi Rice ("We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt" July 2001) state that Saddam Hussein was not a threat.
He lied about his military record.
He lied about the cost of the Medicare reform bill.
He lied about the "Mission Accomplished" banner.
His administration doctors-up scientific reports that don't fit it's political ideology.
And anyone who would like a serious look into the lies, secrecy and deception of the Bush Administration need only buy a book by Republican John Dean called "Worse Than Watergate".
"The liberties of the people never were nor ever will be secure when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them." Patrick Henry.
"..the only truly self-governing people is that people which discusses and interrogates its administration." Woodrow Wilson.
Topic: RE: Accuracy in Media
Top Underreported/Buried Stories for 2004
1. How CBS and the Kerry campaign allegedly broke federal election law in trying to defeat President Bush. This is the subject of a Federal Election Commission complaint.---What is the nature of the complaint??? Are there any complaints on the other side of the aisle?
2. How liberals tried to use federal agencies to delay or censor Sinclair Broadcasting's airing of Stolen Honor, showing how John Kerry's anti-war testimony led to the torture of our Vietnam POWs.--- "tried to use federal agencies".... meaning what? Did they ask the Election commission to check into whether this violated Campaign finance laws? And asking the Election Commission to do that would be bad because..... why?
3. The lies and inaccuracies in Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, including the claim that the FBI didn't screen the Saudis who were in the U.S. and left shortly after 9/11 for terrorist connections. Also, Moore's claim on his web site that Iraqi terrorists were comparable to America's Revolutionary War heroes.--Actually, there were lots of reports about how the Saudi story may have been overblown in F9/11. How many of the points in F 9/11 were valid and NOT reported on by the media? (hint: a lot of them!!!) I've been to Michael Moore site... can't find the comment about Iraqi terrorists and America's Revolutionary War heroes. Got a link?
4. How the Senate Intelligence Committee report and the Lord Butler Report in England discredited Joe Wilson's charges against the Bush administration regarding Iraq seeking uranium from Africa.--I need sources of both the Lord Butler report and the Senate Intelligence Committee report. What I do know is that the claim that Hussein seeking uranium from Niger was removed from a 10/2002 speech by the Bush administration because they themselves believed the story to be UNTRUE, and even days after Bush used the claim in his State of the Union Speech, Colin Powell refused to use the story in his speech to the UN because he believed the claim to be unreliable.
5. How and why MIT's Dr. Richard Lindzen, perhaps the country's leading climatologist, doesn't accept the man-made global warming theory.-- There are plenty of highly respected climatologists who do accept the theory. Scientists disagree all the time. This is supposed to be news?
6. Revelations of John Kerry's documented presence at a meeting in which the assassination of pro-Vietnam War senators was discussed, and which he failed to report.--I'm still waiting to see evidence of this that doesn't come from the Swift Boat Veterans. After all, as you will see by the links below, they are not exactly beacons of truth at all. They've lied so many times they make rugs look bad.
7. The accuracy of the claims of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, such as that John Kerry didn't spend Christmas in Cambodia, as he had claimed.--Probably not reported because so much of what they said was untrue ( (
8. The financial affairs and sources of income of billionaire George Soros and his grants and contributions to press organizations.--What about them? Has he done something illegal?
9. How Senator John Edwards used "junk science" in some of the cerebral palsy lawsuits that made him rich. --link... need info.
10. The New York Times' refusal to return a Pulitzer Prize awarded to a Times correspondent, Walter Duranty, whose dispatches lied about the Soviet Union and the Ukrainian famine.--Did he win his Pulitzer for the story on the Ukrainian famine or for something else?
11. How AIM's film, Confronting Iraq, makes a persuasive case for war with Iraq after 9/11.--Really, how come so many are saying that Bush wanted to go into Iraq even before 9/11? I need a link to this film or some information about it.
12: How USA Today ran a story based on the same discredited documents used by CBS News in its story questioning President Bush's service in the National Guard. -- Bush could clear this up if he would present any documents at all that have him reporting for duty during the months in question. It shouldn't be that hard to do. He has yet to do it.
13. The questionable background and qualifications of Michael Scheuer, the former CIA analyst who gave interviews as "anonymous" and criticized the war in Iraq and the war on Islamic terrorism.
14. The U.N.'s use of questionable and changing statistics on the nature and spread of AIDS. --need specifics.
15. The media's growing embrace of the "gay rights" movement by running wedding announcements for homosexual couples. -- Why shouldn't wedding announcements be run for homosexual couples? Why is "gay rights" in quotes?
16. The physical attack on and hospitalization of anti-drug activist Steven Steiner after he tried to speak to the National Press Club about George Soros' pro-drug policies.--If there is ANY validity to this story, I'm betting it's not headline news because most people don't know who Steven Steiner or George Soros are.
17. John Kerry's failure to release all of his military and medical records.--John Kerry has released all of his records. They are on his website. Anyone who hasn't seen them isn't looking for them.
18. How terrorists are inaccurately described as militants or insurgents, rather than as terrorists.--Interestingly enough, there are more of them in Iraq now than there were before we attacked, and that's according to the Pentagon. Feel safer yet?
19. How the International Association of Firefighters endorsed John Kerry for president without a vote of its members.
20. Anti-Serb and anti-Christian violence in U.N.-controlled Kosovo.--Need more information. Are you asserting that the violence in Kosovo is equivalent to the types of attacks in Iraq? Is that why you think it deserves airtime on the news? If it's such a valid story, how come Fox hasn't reported on it? I mean, they're so accurate and all (gag).
Please, let Mike F know I'm right here, responding to this stuff and not running away (like he did) , and that my life is just fine, thanks.
Topic: RE: get a life
Hey Mike,
I noticed that when I answered your question about divisiveness, you clammed up pretty quickly.
What rude thing is it I've said to you?
The Bush Admin doesn't need me to bring them down. They're already about as low as you can go.