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Topic: RE: calling all Pro-Lifers to step up
Very interesting.... MY smug comment.
In case you forgot, the smugness started with "What do you mean YOUR bible?"
You knew full well what I meant, but you decided to bait me into some argument about who the bible pertains to. So I got sarcastic rather than fall into your little trap.
The issue on Terri Schiavo is simply this: there is a party that was entitled to make decisions regarding her medical care. That party was her husband. You wanted to have the government step in. The GOP always wants the government to step in, and then they always claim to be the party of small government.
The death penalty reference was merely an example at how contradictory your party can be. It has no bearing on the Schiavo case whatsoever.
I didn't make a jab at people of faith. I too am a person of faith. It may not mirror your faith, but it's faith nonetheless. And according to the constitution I'm just as entitled to practice it as you are yours. So don't go throwing your faith into my government. It doesn't belong there, and even the Bible says so. (And if you read your Bible as regularly as you claim to, you would know that. So yes, part of the Democratic platform IS in the Bible.)
Topic: RE: calling all Pro-Lifers to step up
I do own a Bible ma'am, and yes I do know how to use it. I actually open it up, regularly. As a matter of fact, I am learn from it each time I open it (daily).
However, I do not simply quote a verse from anywhere that serves my agenda, as you do.
I would NEVER state that I know all of God's word, but I can say it is true and it is valid. It is correct for reproof and instruction. No where does it instruct us to do many of the things the Democratic Platform endorses.
And for that reason alone, I am not a Dem.
Your smug comment is obvious and I take offense. The issue was regarding Terri S. and somehow you twist and turned it into a death penalty issue, as well as, jabs on people of faith and Republicans in general.
You have succeeded in chasing yet another person away from this board for good. I am not interested in debating any issues with someone so "mean" and nasty.
Good Riddens~
Topic: RE: calling all Pro-Lifers to step up
You don't own a bible? Now that's a shame. I'm sure that since you own a computer you can look up bible verses online.
Topic: RE: Where were all these voters in Nov. '04?
Actually, we can't get him out of the white house now, short of impeachment. However, we can weaken him by electing a Democrat-controlled Congress.
If you live in a state that typically elects Democrats, consider working for Democratic candidates in neighboring states to shift controll in states where seats are really in play. You can do canvassing, write letters to the editor, help with mass-mailings, hold signs on election day....
I will be working in both CT and NH to help them get their GOP congressmen ousted.
Topic: RE: calling all Pro-Lifers to step up
Doesn't your bible tell you that you should judge not, lest ye be judged? Who are you to decide who is on equal footing with whom?
Your argument "To put a murderer to death is a prolife action." makes me think of those folks who kill doctors....
And for the record, if you want to get into Webster's, you can look up "person" (which is by the way, the term used in the Constitution describing those to whom Constitutional rights apply) the definition uses the word "individual" (which an unviable fetus, BY DEFINITION, most certainly not an individual) and you'll get some sense as to why the courts have ruled the way they have on abortion.
In the case of Schiavo, the court upheld that there were people in her life that were impowered, by FL law to make decions pertaining to her life--namely, her husband. I find it interesting that the party that is so big on families and so adverse to government wanted the government to interfere on a decision that should be left to the family.
So much for the party of small government.
Topic: RE: calling all Pro-Lifers to step up
A convicted murderer is on equal footing as an innocent unborn baby?!?!?!? How can an infant baby be considered to be as evil as a murderer or child rapist and alike?!?!?
Your reasoning is outrageous and idiotic.
To put a murderer to death is a prolife action. We are protecting the innocnet people who have been harmed and hurt by evil behavior, thus saving more lives.
just in case you didn't know the definition for murder,
webster says....."the unlawful killing of a human being with malice and/or forethought, to slaughter or to kill inhumanly or barbarously, slay, assassinate"
(maybe we can insert abortion provider in here as well)
Topic: RE: calling all Pro-Lifers to step up
No Surrender You are so right on target Bullseye.
Or when it comes to Iraq, they LOVE playing god there too,
The Party of hippocrits...the gop
Greg E
Topic: RE: Where were all these voters in Nov. '04?
Hopefully everything will turning around soon and we can get Bush out of the white house!
long time coming! Scares the crap out of me with war mongering ways, it will never stop his terrorism or his war. I wish we all could impeach him, truly.
Topic: RE: calling all Pro-Lifers to step up
"Being pro-choice means the person feels "the right" to use death or to kill as an option to solve a problem or situation. Pro-life means there is NO option, other than life. You simply cannot be both."
NO option, unless of course, we're talking about a convicted murder, but then all bets are off.
Please be realistic, the GOP uses this "life is sacred" argument until it comes to the death penalty, and THEN they make the argument that they're allowed to "play God" when it comes to convicted murders.