get a life
Yeah.. speaking of clamming up, it's been weeks since we last heard from you. Did it take you that long to think of a response for me and Sally?? And here we thought maybe you took her advice and "got a life".. guess not.
Oh and on your rude comments.. where do you want me to start?? You don't consider your "eating shoe leather" comment from several weeks back the slightest bit unkind? I could point out several more examples of your mean comments if you'd like...
You put your foot in your mouth, and you do it with alarming regularity. It wasn't meant to be rude, it was simply meant to point out to you that you put your foot in your mouth and that you do it a lot. If you're offended by that, I'm truly sorry. Next time, I won't write that you're eating shoe leather. I'll merely say that you have your foot in your mouth again. Will you be offended by that?
Please, point out "several more".... if you can.
The reason why no one had heard from me in weeks is because no one had responded to me, so I didn't get a notice in my email that someone had responded to me. And you know what, you never did respond to me. What you should have said was, "Yes, No Surrender, I noticed that the GOP leadership was holding up a vote on that bill. You were right." I'll just assume that's what you were thinking.
I did put up a rather lengthy response to MH about the supposed under-reported stories, and I notice that instead of responding to my comments s/he managed to say that I was frothing at the mouth.... So much for the civility of the right. (If you'd like to deny that MH's response was anything other than an insult, I'll just let you know that the next time you talk about how uncivil the left is, you'll have your foot in your mouth.)
Tell me, how do you feel about the dropping dollar, the rising deficits and the rise in terrorist activity in Iraq?
Or would you rather argue about how civil I am or am not?
No Surrender..
Ok, first of all... I never put my foot in my mouth ever (at least not since I was an infant, which was about 32 years ago). Though I consider my feet clean, they are not in my opinion clean enough to go in my mouth. So please don't say I put my foot in my mouth when it is something I have never done for at least 30 some years, ok??
Second of all, that post you responded to M H was only a "long one" was because you copied and pasted his/her long post and inserted your little replies..
And third, you want so badly for me to agree with you about something?? Ok.. well I WILL agree with you on one thing. I do agree that Pres Bush is not perfect. The world is not perfect, either. There has never been a time when we had a perfect president, nor a perfect world. Every single president since the beginning of this wonderful country began made mistakes during his term. But, I still (and will always) believe that Pres. Bush, while not perfect, is still a much better choice to be our leader than John Kerry would have been if he were elected.
Tell me something.. Kerry has voted many times to cut our military and defense equipment. If he were elected, do you honestly believe we would be safer with no way to defend ourselves??
Do you REALLY think Saddam Hussein was totally innocent and never the slightest bit of a threat to us?? If so, you need to pull your head back out of the sand and learn more about him.
And speaking of secrecy.. why wouldn't Kerry tell us how he was going to pay for the universal healthcare plan that he wanted?? Even most of his fellow democrats agreed it could NOT have been done merely by getting rid of tax cuts on the richest 2%.. I don't think Kerry knew either. In theory, Kerry had a lot of seemingly "good" ideas. But he was either full of hot air, was saying anything to get elected, or some of both.
And one more thing.. Are you afraid of me?? Why are you so defensive lately?? First you're attacking me before I even respond to your post, THEN you're telling M H to tell me things. M H knows me even less than you do. Are you afraid to tell me yourself?? Don't worry.. I'm actually a very nice person. I may not agree with you, but I have no bad feelings whatsoever against you personally. I would never hurt anyone, so there's no need to be scared.
Mike, when someone says "foot in mouth" it's not to be taken literally. You see, it's a metaphor. It means that no sooner do the words come out of your mouth do you give yourself a reason for holding them back. I really did think you were bright enough to know that, but apparently I was mistaken.
See, I can admit when I'm wrong.
Yes, I do believe we'd be safer w/ Kerry in office. I believe we'd get some of our allies back, and we'd have more help dealing with the terrorists CREATED by GWB's policy in Iraq.
And speaking of health insurance... let's just see how well GWB does with getting people covered. He had a plan too. As I recall, the same people you talk about regarding Kerry's plan said that it was infinitely better than anything GWB has presented, and let's not forget, when GWB presents plans he 1) lies about their costs and 2) has no way of paying for them because he already has us in debt up to our ears.
Afraid of you? Give me a break. When I posted what I did, I posted it to MH, I didn't send it via email or private message. I posted it KNOWING that you would see it.
And I didn't attack you. Although I do recall that you have now mentioned that I still need to get a life, and have repeatedly accused me of being uncivil (but we'll ignore "sKerry" and "The Johns have been flushed").
Scared of you? Not in the least.
But I will admit that I don't like you much. Of course, I never have been too friendly with hypocrites.
Typical democrat philosophies there...
Love everyone. Love Gay people, love all races, love poor people.. love everyone, except unwanted babies, republicans and God. As I said before, even though I disagree with your opinions most of the time, I still like you as a person. I'm sorry your heart is not big enough to like me.
Yes, I do know what "foot in mouth" means. I was just giving you a hard time about it. You see, I'm just getting tired of always hearing that phrase from you all the time. It gets old. Maybe you could exercise a little creativity and come up with something different next time.
And as far as getting back our allies, I'm hoping if Kerry would have been elected we did get them back... because we'd need them to protect us! We'd no longer have our own military or defense equipment to take care of ourselves..
Oh boy! This is what happens when people talk about politics and don't have respect for others' opinions. It would be cool if someone said
"Bush is great and smart and I love Him". And for the other person to be able to say "I don't agree at all but I RESPECT your opinion". My opinion would read something like this though: "Bush is an idiot. Yes he is NOT perfect and nobody is but why this idiot got ELECTED president of the US blows my mind". It would be cool for someone to say "I don't agree with you but I RESPECT your opinion". LEFT, RIGHT, DEMOCRATS, REPUBLICANS...that's all a bunch of propaganda to DIVIDE the people (my OPINION). There are other alternatives out there. Yes they are NOT as poplular but it's good to NOT always do the "mainstream thing" or what everyone else does. We each have a mind of our own and should really use it to do good, not to harm others thinking that OUR opinion is BETTER. Who is to say who is right and who is wrong? Much love to all.
PS. Yup I love hippies, gays, men, women, republicans, democrats, anarchists, liberals, conservatives, middle of the roads, radicals....etc. Love them all. So what does that make me? How about a person who thinks for themselves and doesn't have others' do it instead?
Hugs to ALL. YES I do Mean TO ALL.
Miss J M