get a life
I noticed that someone has posted 12 out of the 25 recent posts. It is apparent by the posting this individual is a leftist progressive thinker, which is fine. I sincerely believe in freedom of speech, and for everyone. No exceptions. But there comes a time when enough is enough, and it begins to sound like, well, "blah blah blah blah". It's appears as though someone has nothing to do with their time. Maybe this individual should just go volunteer for their cause and leave some of the e-space for someone else to breath.
Jeepers! It's the Holidays, isn't there something else you have to do?
I don't mean to offend, just being brutally honest.
Bye all
Don't kid yourself.... you meant to offend.
Believe it or not, those of us with gripes DO volunteer for our cause, hold full-time jobs, raise kids, exercise, and keep a nice clean house.
And oh yeah, sometimes we take 5 minutes out of our day to post on a message board. 12 out of 25 recent posts, but in how many days? You make it sound as though I'm here 24/7.
If you've got nothing better to do than to complain about what someone else does with their time, maybe it's not them that needs to get a life.
Enough is enough???? oh honey, I have not yet begun......
No I didn't mean to offend you deeply and am terribly terribly sorry. So,l I guess you figured out who I was talking about. Anyway, thank you for the laugh, I really enjoyed your response. It appears as though I hit a nerve though. However, I do say.... Go for it, begin or continue your battle. I will move on and find a more productive way to make a change where necessary.
Take a look at the comment from the message titled "mean message board."
When did it become bad to be "progressive"? Without progressive people we'd be a British colony. We'd all be sitting in the dark without these lovely computers to defame each other with. It's the progressive people that move us forward. Is moving forward now bad?
Of course you meant to offend. If you're going to take pot shots at other people, I suggest you not whine when people respond to what you post.
Apparently you missed the point, there is a significant difference between hurting someone's feelings, (for which I have already apologized), and spewing forth profaine hate speech. BTW, my comments in "get a life," were made long long after Kelle's hate speech email to me. The offense came from the left FIRST! Also "get a life" was the title only, it was picked up as a personal attack, again I cannot apologize enough apparently, so crucify me.
Progressive thinking today is far different from the the rebellion of our Founding Fathers. And there is no comparison with progessvie commerce and industry and progresive social thinking of today.
It is the post-modern progressive thinking that got us our "right to murder" the unborn, the demanded public approval of homosexual marriage and the down right refusing an individual who believes in Christ as God, to be able to publicly express their faith.
Traditional thinking is lacking and much needed in our country today. Instead of allowing the churches, and charities to care for the down and out, or holding someone accountable for their unsafe or unwise behavior, (it has been assumed), we will allow progressive-thinking public officails, make a way for government to solve all of societies ills.
But just to set the record straight, No Surrender...I too have a fulltime high stress demanding career, a home and young children to care for, am a crisis pregnancy counselor at a local center, and have a husband attending seminary classes in the evening after his day job, and am a proud young grandmother and foster parent. I glance at the board once in great while, just to keep an eye on the crazy left. I assume that is OK with you, even if I don't agree?
Since you ended your original post with "I don't mean to offend..." You knew what you were saying could be read as hurtful. So you pondered the possibility of hurting someone's feelings and pushed the submit key anyhow. Instead of pointing fingers at other people, think of your own actions. SO Kelle hurt you, it was ok for you to go after No Surrender?
My 'progressive, leftist' beliefs feel it would be more effective to try and reduce the number of abortions by providing women with more options in our society and taking care of the children already born, than to change the laws. As I said to you in a private post, there were fewer abortions during the Clinton administration than there were under the Bush administration, because women had more economic freedom. It also used to be against the laws of this country to practice birth control. Do you want to take that away as well?
As far as forcing the approval of homosexual marriage, allowing and 'forcing the approval of" are two different things. I recently was struct by an historical similarity in our present culture and this country 40 years ago. While watching "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner," I listened to a speech Spencer Tracey's character made. I had forgotten that it was recently illegal for people of different races to marry too. I'm sure there were plenty of folks like you who opposed interracial marriage then. Me, I want people to make their own decisions and let God be the judge, not George Bush.
In my crazy leftist world I want to practice my own religion, make my own moral decisions and let the government stay out of my life. I don't mind if the government takes care of the poor and down trodden in our society because your churches and charities are FAILING to do so. You've just got to realize that not all of the country shares your evangelical Christian beliefs, so why would you expect to be able force us to live by YOUR beliefs and think YOUR thoughts.
I accepted your apology for telling me to get a life. And I'm sure you do have plenty to keep you busy. I did/do find it humorous that you felt that you needed to call me on how much time I spend here, when in all actuality, I really don't spend that much time here and all those posts I made were made over several weeks. But fine, you think you've "hit a nerve" and you think that you're keeping an eye on the "crazy left".
More power to you.
I won't make any comments about how much time you spend here or what your criteria is for judging me.
I also won't call you crazy.
But, I also won't let anything you say change my posting behavior.
And for those *****fuse to see the truth in my posts, well, I imagine some day history will prove me right.... and they'll still refuse to see it.
"and the down right refusing an individual who believes in Christ as God, to be able to publicly express their faith."
This is so bizarre. What American politician, of any party, doesn't end a speech with "God bless America"? Of the 535 members of Congress, only 3 don't profess to be of a particular religion and 0 call themselves atheists.
According to a 2003 Harris Interactive poll, 90 percent of adult Americans believe in God. And according to a 2005 Gallup poll, 94 percent believe in God.
To imply that Christians are persecuted in any way in this country is laughable.
There's no need to apologize for hurting someone's feelings. All these people (No Surrender, Kathy, Kelle, etc) have ever done to me since I began posting on here is say rude things to me. And not once have they ever, ever apologized to me. So I think it's pretty "ironic" that those same individuals were so offended by your comments. You were just making an observation, that's all. With all the postings No Surrender has been posting lately, it would appear that the only life she has is to bring down the Bush administation in any way she possibly can.
She really does need to get a life!