This mean message board.
I signed up for this board a couple of months ago. I can not stand even reading it anymore. The dialogue on here is mean, rude and just such a let down. I work in politics, in a very partisian place, and the dialogue is never like this. There is always a level of respect for everyone and every opinion.
I love politics and have made it my career. And if there is one thing I have learned in my 15 plus yerars in politics it is that there are always two sides to an issue and usually more than two. Everyone has a right to disagree. Our country is founded and structured to alllow everyone to have an opinion and to have that opinion heard.
This board is an example of what is wrong with our country right now. We are too busy talking to actually listen to each other. We, "the red and blue people," are tearing this country apart. We are all better than this and my dearest hope is that everyone will again begin listening, really listening, to each other.
I have family that are elected officials (public servants) in Virginia for over 20 years. I have contributed time and energy to his campaigain regularly. He is a conservative dem, (they do exist), and I love him very much. I am a conservative rep.
You are absolutely correct to say this is a mean message board. I am a rightist by description. And was told on the board, by a leftist, that my God was a "shi--y God". I can't even post the words because it causes such anger for myself. But of course this person (Kelli), said this privately in an email. The O.H. staff did nothing with my complaints, unfortunately. Anyway, she didn't even have the courage to post her nasty words in a view for all to see. She and her nasty hateful attitude and potty mouth drove me off the board and I only re-visit ocassionally. I exited and wish not to respond to such crude unrefined individuals. People such as herself, lose. Because people such as myself, come back more determined and stronger with more conviction. That is what happened this last election cycle. I don't know whether you are dem or rep, but I do sincerely agree that O.H should get people to lighten up a little or refer them to anger management.
I wish you luck in all you do. And even if we politically disagree, we can conduct ourself in honorable behavior, then all win.
I live right outside DC, go the monuments,(ie: Washington, Lincoln, White House, Senate Bldg., Capital Bldg etc.), regularly, to recall the purpose of those valued freedoms. Maybe someone needs a reality check, and should spend some time in the hallowed halls too. It takes your breath away to see what our freedoms have cost us.
Eough of the soap box speech. Good Luck Stephanie