How to fix the intelligence community.... NOT!
The same people now criticizing Goss and the actions he is taking at CIA are the same people who have been criticizing Pres Bush for 2 years for not reining in the rogue CIA which was actively working against him (the Pres) and being overtly political instead of doing what they are supposed to do....gather information. So now that there is a new director who is doing exactly what they've been advising for the last 2 years, he's being criticized. Some people are just out to criticize.....should sound familiar.
The CIA didn't get it right, they got it wrong. Along with viortually every other intelligence service in the world. But I never was in favor of removing Saddam becasue of WMD. I was in favor of it from a humanitarian point of view. And that has been proven over and over by the mass graves.
Lisa, you're missing the point, it's the people within the CIA who DID get it right that are getting fired. The people who gave the false information in order to support Bush's pre-ordained conclusions are the ones that are staying.
Here's one for you. Iran currently is guilty of all the things the Bush Administration MADE UP about Iraq... WMD, nuclear programs, etc....
From a humanitarian point of view, are you all for sending troops into Iran?
How many U.S. soldiers should die for this cause? How many Iranians?
No Surrender,
Aren't you one of those people on here who, just before the elections, was preaching to us how "unifying" the democrats are and how the republicans are dividing the country?? You were?? Well then.. you know what that means??
Since the moment your Senator there in MA lost the election, (actually BEFORE), you've been spewing nothing but cuss words and hate attacks against our commander in chief. Now tell me how that, in any way shape or form, is supposed to unite our country??
And I think your age is catching up with you... your posts are also starting to make no sense at all...
And why is it that you ONLY quote the "democratic underground"? How come you never quote anyone else?? Are you that gullible that you only get your info from one source?? Oh now.. before you attack me for watching only Fox news, just know that I listen to many different news sources.. Except CBS, which like your democratic underground is about as non-partisan as the grass is pink!
Oh, and one more thing... I didn't enjoy Dick Cheney's cuss word, either. I think when ANYONE (Rebublican or Democrat) has to resort to that kind of language, it's wrong. But it's funny how Dick Cheney's obscenity practically made the front page, yet the many different variations of the F-word from John Kerry in his Rolling Stone interview was no news at all. I guess hearing that kind of speech from the democrats is just a normal, daily occurance.
What a sad world it has become..
Yes, Kathy..
I AM calling No Surrender a hypocrit.. and you, too! All I ever hear from the democrats is how divided this country is, yet you guys have not done a single thing to unify this country at all.. in fact you do the oposite. Look at all the crap you guys are posting.. this is the most "dividing" stuff I've read! If you wanna bring this country together, that's great. But sister, it's time to stop spewing your hate and practice what you preach!
Oh, and speaking of sore WINNERS.. you'd be one, too.. except you can't be a sore winner, cuz your buddy lost!
Yes, this board was very divisive before the election, but you couldn't wait to rub our noses in it, when your boy won. That makes you a sore winner!
Why do you say we're posting crap? Did you ever think for one moment that it might just be the truth and you're too programmed to understand it?
And hey. I'm not your SISTER. Once again your misogyney comes shining through. Women with brains bother you, don't they?
I know how to win gratiously. You wouldn't have heard a peep. I wouldn't have continued this debate at all, had I not read the tripe you're posting.
Sorry to offend you, calling you "sister".. I meant that in a friendly way. Of course I know you hate me, but it's no surprise.
Most Democrats DO hate those with opposing views.
As for me, I may not agree with your views, but I have no ill feelings against you personally, nor do I have any bad feelings against No Surrender, Kelle W, or any of the others on here. I try to be friends with EVERYONE, including those with differing opinions.
Oh and women with brains don't bother me at all. My wife has more brains than you and I combined.. and I love her very much.
If you can find one post by me where I use the words "unify the country", by all means, post a link.
I'm betting you won't find one. So don't go calling me a hypocrite.
The sources sited by democratic underground are: MSNBC, The Guardian, and Common Dreams. Did you check the links?
I'm betting not.
And for the record, there's a heap of difference between Dick Cheney dropping an F-bomb ON THE SENATE FLOOR and Kerry using one in a Rolling Stone article. The floor of the Senate is supposed to be a model of respectable decorum. I hardly think Rolling Stone is considered to be the same. Cheney should know that, and so should you.
Goss is firing the very people who gave him GOOD intelligence. Defend that, if you can. Otherwise, all your arguments are just blowing hot air.
No Surrender,
For once we agree on something! I agree 200% that Rolling Stone is by no means "quality reading". The point I was trying to make is that, regardless of medium or location of the obscenity, John Kerry was running for the democratic nomination at the time of the interview. Now if I were running for the democratic or republican or ANY party's nomination for president, I sure wouldn't be dumb enough to use that kind of crude language.. even if it was in Rolling Stone. But of course, that kind of talk from YOUR boy gets no recognition whatsoever. All you can do is criticize Dick Cheney use of the word. As I said before, I do not in any shape or form, condone Dick Cheney's cursing in Congress, either. I thought that was wrong, just like you did. But lets be fair.. if you're going to criticize one, criticize the other as well. I really don't think whether it's in the senate or in a Rolling Stone interview, or wherever.. it's still wrong.
And I also admit when I'm wrong.. you are the exception to the rule here. Most of your Kerry-lovin' buddies on here WERE giving us the "unification" lecture. At least you've been true to yourself in this whole thing. I don't think you'd even SAY you want to see this country united. As I read all your posts, I don't think you'd ever like to see people working together for a common good. No, instead it's obvious you want to continue to breed hate between the Repubs and Demos and push them even further apart.