"The Johns have been flushed!"
You said it so much better than I could Kathy!
I agree - it's gloating like this that causes a LOT of hard feelings - just like it did in the last election - even though Bush had lost the popular vote, those who were glad he won just rubbed it in the faces of Gore supporters that he got in anyway. People wonder why this country is so sharply divided?
Mike - I wouldn't bother to celebrate much as he really didn't win by a very large margin. Had it been a landslide, then you could preen a little bit. Don't forget too - now the Republicans will have NO ONE else to blame when problems come up - as they hold the reigns of power. I worry big time when one party has so much control. Watch and wait - and you will see eventually.
And that attitude is, in my opinion, what separates the Democrats from the Republicans.
The Democrats seek to bridge the divides between all people of this wonderful country while the Republicans strive to create bigger divides between all the people of this country.
I trust God is watching over the US - as we are going to need his intervention over the next 4 years.
Kathy and Ann,
Let me ask you something..if you're so concerned about this country being devided, then what have YOU or your party really done to try to unite us??? Is uniting this country on your mind when you bash our president about every single thing he does?? Is that the way to unite our country?? Is bashing, belittling and criticizing everyone on here with an opinion different that yours (like me) the way to Unite this country?? How 'bout those Democrats in I think it was Wisconsin.. were they trying to unite this country when they slashed all the tires of the Republican "get out the vote" vehicles?? Was Theresa Heinz Kerry trying to Unite this country when she told the reporter to "Shove it!" or when she told the people "You're stupid if you don't vote for my husband's health care plan", or when she told the people of Arizona "there votes don't really matter, anyway?" Is that the way to unite this country?? You Democrats are such hypocrits!!
Yes I am thankful Bush won.. for the next four years we'll have lower taxes, a president who actually says what he means (instead of what you want to hear) AND I'll still be speaking English instead of Arabic, because if Kerry would have won, he would have cut out our military and all their equipment just like he voted to do in all his 20 years in the senate. The way I look at it if Kerry won, we'd either be dead or wearing towels on our heads.
Oh.. and while I'm still on the subject of Unity, do you think it was Michael Moore's objective to unify this country when he produced such a hateful, biased piece of propaganda (Fehrenheit 911)? Do you think it was the goal of the Dixie Chicks to unite this country with their "We're so ashamed to be from the same state as the president" comment?? How 'bout Bruce Springsteen and his "ROCK AGAINST BUSH" concerts.. didn't seem very unifying to me. What about John Kerry's own constant criticism of our troops?? Man, that sure seems like a PERFECT way to further devide this country.
It's amazing how Democrats always "speak of unity" and yet their actions speak the exact oposite. Yep, they're hypocrits!
Yesterday I sent an email to an obvious Kerry supporter and shared my opinion. I received a rant full of nasty mean comments. I was even told, "you have a shi--y God!" As well as some other choice words. This explains why so many are turned off by the left.
I thought we were all to be "tolerant". I guess that means only as long as you agree with them. She proved once again (like Whoopie G. and Theresa Heinz) that being a potty mouth is a must as a leftist.
But honestly what bothered me more than anything else, is that I thought we had one thing in common to share or struggle through, obesity. To be attacked by someone in your own "neighborhood" was shocking.
Why are the leftist so uncivil? It cannot be justified. I get angry, but cannot attack someone's personal faith no matter the arguement. This was simply way over.
Be blessed everyone and have a terrif weekend.
I'm sorry someone offended you. There's no excuse for that. Don't blame all Democrats for that. Just like I won't blame all Republicans for someone on the main board saying they're glad, "...a man of morals won instead of Kerry." Well, I share Kerry's morals so what does that make me? A person without morals? Just because John Kerry and I share our Roman Catholic morals and not your Christian Evangelical ones, does that mean our morals aren't real. He and I both believe illegitimate war is wrong, capital punishment is wrong and abortion is wrong. His wife is a volunteer counselor helping people choose life, just like you. Our country was founded on the basis of religious freedom, not religious dictatorialism.
Am I immoral for feeling that people should make their own decisions regarding when life begins?
While we're on the subject of potty mouths let's talk about George Bush and Dick Cheney. During the last campaign W called a reporter an "a--hole" and Cheney replied "Big Time!" Let's also remember Cheney telling Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont to "Go F--- yourself!" So is it ok to be a potty mouth if you're a Republican and a MAN?
please don't demonize Democrats because of what you hear. Of course I won't demonize Republicans because I used to be one.
Lower taxes???Well - you must be one of the ones in those upper income brackets. I chose to work in public education and have to work two jobs to pay my mortgage and bills...I won't be seeing any tax break from this administration.
As for speaking Arabic - I trust you speak Spanish - as by the year 2012 - we (Spanish speaking people) will be the majority in the United States - and guess what - we think it is great to be bilingual...
FYI my and my wife COMBINED make $60,000 a year. Hardly anywhere near "Upper class" status. We HAVE recieved two refund checks from the Bush administration, and since the year 2000, the taxes taken out of my paycheck HAVE gone down. I've never seen that ever happen when Clinton was president, and if Kerry would have won you can guarantee that taxes would have gone way back up, especially if he were successful in his national healthcare plan. Many financial experts (including many democrats) have analyzed his plan and have said it is 100% impossible to fund a national healthcare plan funded solely by taking away the tax cuts of the top 2%.
As for being bilingual, I think it's great you can speak more than one language. I wish I were able to as well. But I am proud of my English speaking abilities and don't ever intend make a different language my primary form of communication.