A woman's right to choose..

Mike F.
on 11/5/04 2:48 am - West Jordan, UT
RE: "..The argument is that illegal abortions are much more dangerous, unsanitary, and life-threatening than safe, legal ones. It's not a stupid argument, it's something that needs to be considered--are people really willing to go back to a time of back alley abortions where young women die because they made mistakes?.." Yeah, I think we ought to legalize drunk driving, too. I know drunk driving kills, but it's even more dangerous when it's illegal. Think about all those drunk drivers, who when they see those flashing red and blue lights in the mirror, try to run away from the law. It's dangerous enough to have someone intoxicated on the highway, but then to have them driving 110 mph while trying to flee the police is even worse. So, if it was legal then the additional deaths from car chases and fleeing the police would never have happened. I think making drinking and driving legal would therefore make it safer. NOW DO YOU SEE HOW STUPID THIS ARGUMENT SOUNDS?? -mike
Miss M.
on 11/5/04 6:24 am - McHenry, IL
Yeah, you're absolutely right. Abortion is definitely a solid parallel to drunk driving. (insert sarcasm here) The fundamental difference that you and I seem to be stuck on is that I don't believe that first-term, early abortions kill babies. I believe they eliminate viable cells that have the potential to become babies, but I also believe that a woman has the right to decide whether or not to take on that responsibility. To me, a grown woman has more rights and privileges than a bundle of cells. Yes, I think people should take responsibility for their actions, but it's not up to the government to mandate that type of morality. I think we're at a stalemate, and since we've gotten to the point that you're calling my arguments stupid, I'm done discussing.
Kathy M.
on 11/1/04 10:57 pm - rockaway, ny
Thank you Miss Mel for clarifying my point. Mike, I didn't say you couldn't express or share your opinion, you just can't force people to live by your beliefs. When you say stay off the politics board and go to the Crocheting forum you're showing your misogenous side. Would you have said that if my name was Kevin instead of Kathy? Go ahead. Get angry. You sure don't have logic or facts to support your points, so go ahead and yell and call people names.
Mike F.
on 11/1/04 11:30 pm - West Jordan, UT
Kathy, Thank you for clarifying yourself. Yes, I did think you were telling me I had no right to share my opinion. (funny how things can be really misinterpreted, especially when it's typed instead of spoken ) I was not trying to be rude by telling you to go to the Crochet board, and yes, whether you were Kathy or Kevin I would have said the same thing. I was merely saying that being a politics board that this is, it's going to get "hot" in here with all different opinions and dissagreements. Which I'm sure is why we can't talk politics out in the main board. Though I dissagree with your opinions on abortion and Kerry, I do respect them, and I truly respect your right to dissagree. That's the great thing about living in America! This country is by far the greatest. If we were living in some other countries (such as Iraq while Saddam was still in power) we would probably all be arrested for saying the things we've said on this board. Freedom is a beautiful thing. You will never change my opinion and I'm sure I'll never change yours, either. That's ok.. as I said before, we can agree to disagree!
on 11/1/04 4:08 am - Manchester, NY
I for one feel that the right to choose is paramount and for someone to say to me or another woman, "no you cannot have an abortion because I don't want you to" is wrong. It is very important that abortion be safe, legal, and yes, rare. As a man, you have NO IDEA what it is like to find yourself unexpectantly pregnant. Situations are so individual that you cannot just throw a blanket statement out there that puts ALL the responsibility on the woman and her "choice" to get pregnant or not. It takes two to tango. PRO-CHOICE and PROUD of it!! (any nasty e-mails will be reported - so don't bother!!!)
Mike F.
on 11/1/04 5:14 am - West Jordan, UT
Are you saying that the government should have nothing to say regarding murder?? Are you saying the government has no right to protect the living, even the ones who are not yet able to speak for themselves? So if I wanted to go out and kill someone, it should be "safe, legal, and rare"? As far as Me (because I'm a man) having no idea what it's like, well you're right there, I don't. But you see, women DO have other options.. they can give their "mistake" up for adoption to a loving family who would do anything to raise a child. I just don't see how throwing a living, growing, innocent child away like it was yesterday's newspaper is anything but WRONG, plain and simple! And as I said, unless she was raped or something of that nature, the woman HAD THE CHOICE to either DO IT, or NOT DO IT!! Call it whatever you want.. abortion is still murder! -Mike PRO-LIFE, ANTI-KERRY.
on 11/1/04 5:26 am - Manchester, NY
Not everyone agrees it is 'murder' A bunch of cells in the first trimester cannot sustain life on their own. You also make it sound like it is just sooo easy to just put a baby up for adoption. Sure, there are plenty of couples out there just waiting for a baby of their own - but the vast majority want a HEALTHY WHITE NEWBORN. What does that say for those who are minorities? What about those with disfigurements and so on? I'm not saying all these "unwanted" babies should have been aborted, but to say "just give it up for adoption" ain't that easy. Too many of these kids wind up in foster homes becoming more and more 'unadoptable' as they get older. I suggest you open your home and wallets to support all of these kids. PRO-CHOICE, ANTI-BUSH
Mike F.
on 11/1/04 5:35 am - West Jordan, UT
Well I can see we will never agree on this subject, so I guess we have to agree to disagree and be done with it. Most of you have made valid arguements and points, and I still respect you all as fellow WLSers and BB members.. But I still believe that taking an innocent life is wrong. Just as it would be very wrong to kill my next door neighbor, it is also (in my opinion) wrong to kill an unborn baby. -mike STILL PRO-LIFE, STILL ANTI-KERRY
on 11/1/04 8:50 pm - Manchester, NY
Ok, we can agree to disagree STILL PRO-CHOICE AND ANTI-BUSH!
Lisa H.
on 11/2/04 4:29 am - Bartlett, TN
Well I'm a woman who has had an enexpected pregnancy and I would never kill my unborn baby. I think it is wrong to tell men they can have no opinion, just as it is to say "well, I would never have one but I woldn't impost my morality on anyone else." Thats like saying "I wouldn't kill my husband, but I wouldn't tell anyone else it was wrong." "Or I wouldn't beat my children but I wouldn't tell anyone else its wrong." Some things are just WRONG. And I've never understood the position of safe, legal and rare. Why rare? If there is nothing morally wrong with abortion why should it be rare? Whats wrong with using abortion as birth control? Saying it should be rare implies that you know something is morally wrong with it. If thats the case, then why is it O.****asioanlly?
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