WHY I will NOT vote for a Liberal Democrat!
Hi guys..
Tomorrow is election day and you better believe I WILL be voting. Since I turned 18 I have voted in every single presidential election and this election tomorrow, I believe is most important of all! The future of our country is at stake here. Let me tell you what's been on my mind.
First of all, it really "bugs" me when all these Liberal Democrats (Kerry and Co.) are always trying to take from the rich to give to the poor. You heard him in the second debate and ever since how he wants to take away the tax cuts from the "wealthiest two percent". Why does this bug me so much?? Am I rich?? Not in the wildest sense of the imagination. Me and my wife are right in the middle of the middle class. We have never been rich and I doubt that we ever will. But if we ever were, I would not want to be penalized or punished for having money. Last I checked this was still America, the land of opportunity. How would you like to have the opportunity only to be punished for it?? Is that really fair? I don't think so.. I'm always at the mindset that everyone somehow can do something productive in this country if they really put their mind to it. Are you envious of the rich?? Are you jealous that they have more than you?? Then get off your lazy ass and do something about it!!! Just about every rich person in this country (with the exception of Paris Hilton and Theresa Heinz Kerry and a few others) have EARNED their money. Now if we follow the beliefs of some to "penalize and tax heavily" the rich because, what do they need all that money for, like some believe, you know what that is?? SOCIALISM!!! Now how well does Socialism work?? Well, why don't you ask Russia? Somehow I can't think of any big businesses in Russia and last I checked, they have one of the highest rates of poverty just about anywhere outside of Africa. Why?? No incentive.. Why should anyone try to make lots of money when all the government will do is take it away and give it all to those who'd rather sit at home and pawn money from the government? Now I do believe that rich people should pay their fair share. I know there are plenty of tax loop holes that should be gotten rid of. And I'm not criticizing the poor, either. I know that there are plenty of poor people who honestly have no choice. I feel that anyone who can has the obligation to help the poor, in fact in the Bible it tells us so. But I think it should be voluntary, NOT mandated by the government by punishing the rich.
And I DO agree with President Bush.. some small businesses DO pay tax as personal income tax. My wife works for a small business just like that. Her company has about 12 people, including the owner. If you were to end up "punishing the wealthy", you end up putting lots of small businesses in trouble, perhaps on the verge of bankruptcy. That means a lot of us (including my wife) out of a job.
While we're on the subject, I've heard so many times from Kerry that all Bush cares about are the rich, and not the middle class. I think those statements are pretty ironic. As I said before, we are middle class and the past 3 3/4 years while Bush has been Prez we've recieved not one, but TWO tax refund checks. Hmm.. I can't remember EVER getting any refunds from Kerry's buddy Mr. Clinton!
And I'm really getting sick of hearing how "Pres. Bush lost 1.6 million jobs".. Uh, hello? You think any of those jobs were lost as a result of 9/11?? You think any of those were airlines that went under or cut workers?? Most of the airlines that were in trouble AFTER 9/11 were in trouble long before Pres. Bush was elected. 9/11 just happened to be the "straw that broke the camels back" so to speak. And all of this is Pres. Bush's fault?? Ok.. so I challenge you to PROVE to me how it is.. truth is, it's partially the airlines themselves for charging so much and wasting their profits foolishly, Partially YOUR fault for not flying after 9/11 as much.
Now, if you think I believe Pres. Bush is faultless, think again! I certainly didn't agree with everything he's done either. I agree we should have finished the job in Afganistan before we even thought of Iraq. But we're in Iraq now. We have a job to do and a war to finish. I do believe the President really did think there were WMDs in Iraq. Even little buddy Kerry thought so. We ALL thought so. And I agree, war is not fun. But I would rather fight the war there, than deal with more attacks at home. And the only difference in Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein was timing. Osama and his terrorists attacked us and Saddam didn't.. Yet. But he sure wanted to and given a little more time, you can bet we would have been attacked by him as well. So who do you want?? A president who is tough on terrorism?? Or one who flip-flops on everything, tells you anything you want to hear to get elected?
It's funny (no, actually scary) to hear how many different opinions Kerry's had on this war.. even he doesn't know.. and you want HIM as president?? Oh, and let's look at his voting record. Do you realize he has voted to get rid of just about every piece of our military that we have?? He voted to get rid of most of our weapons and has voted to cut our military in half! I wouldn't want our military cut in the most peaceful of times.. sure as hell not now while we face all the terror that's out there just waiting for the perfect moment to strike us again.
Yes, Bush has made mistakes.. but I want someone who's tough on terror, not who will say whatever it takes to get elected. "Yeah, but Kerry's better on the environment and he's gonna give us healthcare and he's pro-choice.." Well you know what?? None of that means sqwat if our military's now ripped in half and we have no weapons and the terrorists have taken us over, now does it?
I hope you all go vote tomorrow.. and all you who are planning to vote for Kerry give it a lot more thought before you cast your ballot for that flip-floppin' piece of crap. Yeah, I know you wanna flame me. Go ahead.. just remember that I am right and you are wrong!
One more thing: For all those who are voting for Kerry because he's "NOT BUSH".. let me remind you that there is always Ralph Nader and several others running as well. Not sure who they are?? Turn off CNN and do some research!
BUSH/CHENEY 'O4 SUPPORTER and darn proud of it!
I know I'm not going to change your mind, but here's my side of the story.
Of the people that will be effected when Kerry rolls back part of Bush's tax cut 96% of them are wealthy individuals making over $200,000. a year and not small businesses. Heard that from ABC news.
NYC which lost most of the jobs after 9/11 recovered most that were attributable to the attacks. The jobs our nation is really hurting for are the computer, accounting, auditing and accuarial jobs that have been exported because George W gave corporate tax breaks for companies to do so. I'm happy to hear you got tax refunds. I and most of my friends didn't because we're not working or paying taxes because..... wait for it... our jobs went overseas! I love it when George tells us that unemployment is at a low. It's at a low because all of us have rolled off the unemployment statistics because it's been so long!
There is no evidence that invading Iraq has made us safer from terrorists. Many of us feel its done just the opposite. There was no proven connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda. Bush and Cheney have done an excellent job at convincing us. 60% of us still believe there's a connection even though they've admitted now there isn't.
As I posted before. Here, sitting in a city that is a target, I feel safer with Kerry. Now if you feel more secure sitting in UT with Bush, go for it. You'll get what you pay for.
Yeah, I got a tax rebate....
but then the federal govt. cut aid to states, and services and education have been cut in my state to the point where the local and state taxes have been raised to more than make up for whatever Bush put into my pocket. I figure I'm down about $1000 this year, AND there are less services for EVERYONE.
Enough is enough. Even Bush's own teachers from Harvard Business School say he is ruining the economy with his short-sighted policies.
Wait 'til your kids have to pay for the deficit Bush has wracked up. They'll never be able to afford a house.
Complain about the tax and spend liberals all you want, but there's nothing worse than a charge and spend conservative. Nothing.
"Now how well does Socialism work?? Well, why don't you ask Russia? "
rhetoric is sad when poorly used, Russia was not and is not a socialist state. You want to judge socialism, check out Sweden, Canada and England, all have incredibly successful socialistic policies. Guess FDR was an idiot...socialism=bad. Then again we are purely Laissez-faire capitalist (omg did I just french I'm so bad). Subsidies are for the weak. Lion meat (sic) antelope!
I'm not a Kerry supporter, I'm a red, but I hate bad rhetoric.
I am amazed when people claim that socialism is a horrid idea and try to make comparisions to countries that are NOT socialist...In my personal opinion - true socialism is the best type of government there is - But - it goes against human nature...People typically don't believe in sharing everything equally....
I proudly voted for Kerry today. And - regardless of who is elected for president - I hope that the man elected works hard to bridge the severe divide there is in our wonderful country between the two parties. Unfortunately - I don't believe Bush will work to do that - as quite frankly he does not in my opinion give a darn about the lower class, the Democrats, anyone who does not support him (look at the requirements to go to one of his rallies!) or the minority citizens of this country.
John Kerry/Edwards Support and very proud of it!
Ok... first of all if you don't believe Russia was a socialist country, you either A) Fell asleep every day in class during World History or B) got into a car wreck in 1990 and forgot every thing prior to that year. For all of you people in groups A and B, let me educate you. Did you know that Russia (prior to 1989) was part of the USSR?? Do you know what USSR stood for?? Union of Soviet SOCIALIST republics.. You better learn your history, people.
Second of all, If you actually are "gullible" and Brainwashed enough to think Socialism is a good thing, I take pity on you. You're probably the same ones who think "Government run" healthcare would be a good thing. Don't get me wrong.. our healthcare system is way far from perfect, but sure as heck wouldn't be any better if Hillary Clinton or John Kerry ran it.
Thank God Bush won again..

Mike, come on celebrate but do it with a brain. Calling Russia a socialist state is like calling America a Democracy. We are a republic in title and in many ways an oligarchy. Russia (ussr) was a totalitarian country or at very best a Stalin/Mao Communist dictatorship, they were never a socialist state. Now go back and celebrate but get your facts correct.