Kerry supporters please answer question
I'll tell you what I told my mom....I'd vote for Elmer Fudd if he were running against George Bush. We've seen what destruction he's capable of...sending thousands of American soldiers to their deaths to satisfy a personal vendetta he had against Sadam Hussain. It's been proven that there never were any weapons of mass destruction. In fact, when Bush took office 4 years ago Condeleza Rice and Colin Powell plainly stated that the Bush admistration was not concerned about Sadam because he did not have access to WOMD nor did he possess any.
We all know that the Bush family (and many of their "buddies") have made huge piles of money off of Saudi investments, that in fact Bush's first company (which he ran into the ground, as he has every company he's ever been directly involved in) was started on Saudi money. So he chose to ignore the fact that Bin Laden was the one we should have been going after for 9/11. The Bin Laden family is so enmeshed with the Bush family that they have nicknames for each other. If you were paid $250,000 a year to protect and secure the future for American citizens, but had billions of dollars of Bin Laden money sunk into your various companies and undertakings, who would your chief alliance be to?
It's outrageous that people in America allow themselves to be led by the nose by a man who is a proven liar and quite possibly a sociopath. I'm not saying Kerry is the end all be all, but anything is better than pure evil.
And as for an understanding of the realities of war, who should we trust more, someone who actually went or someone who was kicked out of the Air National Guard for refusing to take a physical, possibly because all the coke they'd been doing would show up bigger than s**t?

9/11 was a movie babe, made in Hollywood by a Hollywood mogel. Living in reality dear?
My father was in Nam for 12 years of my childhood, he has only two snap shots of himself and a few friends. How many people go to Nam for 3 short months with a rolling reel-to-reel? The ones who want to be Prez one day, that's who.
Kerry cares about Kerry. Oh, I forgot he loves hamsters too.
As a Kerry supporter I would guess that abortion is cool with you no matter the case? Kill the baby!!!
That marriage is NOT a defendable institution?
That you want your employer, landlord and other business men to pay higher taxes, so you can pay higher rent, recieve a smaller pay increase or pay more for your retail purhases?
Did you ever once in your life have to do something unpopular, and go it alone just because it was the right thing to do? I could care less what the Euros think, geez! Do you care if they have heroin parks in Paris? Not our business.
These are just a few reasons the MAJORITY voted for W.
Instead of whinning like children who didn't get the candy, please consider rallying around a man that will be known as an awesome president one day.
A wise man once said.....Being a liberal in your youth is a good thing, being a liberal as an adult means you learned nothing.
Wishing you well dear,
Did you see Fahrenheit 9/11? My guess is you probably didn't. Most Republicans rant and rave about it, but refuse to watch it. If you haven't seen it, just where are you getting your 'reality'? Fox News?
I saw it with a group of people with varied political opinions. Many were shaken after it.
I'm so surprised that your father went to Viet Nam and you support someone who did so much to avoid combat. In fact many called him a deserter.
I'm a Kerry supporter and abortion is not cool with me. That's my PERSONAL choice. I don't try and make moral decisions for other people. Neither does Kerry. As a matter of fact his much maligned wife does volunteer work to try and counsel women against it. Did you know the rate of abortions in this country doubled under George Bush, from the last term under Clinton? I heard that on Bill O'Reilly's show. It's because the economy went sour. more people were unemployed and women didn't think they could afford to have their babies.
As far as Marriage is concerned, my religion tells me who I can or cannot marry. My government doesn't have to. I'm straight, but have never felt that what other people chose to do threatens my choices.
As far as developing a concensus around the world, we had almost total support for going into Afghanistan after 9/11. I, most of the nations of the world, and 48% of our population still don't understand why we went into Iraq. 15 of the 19 hijackers that killed 3000 of our people came from Saudi Arabia. Why didn't we invade them instead?
Dream on, but history is not going to see him as an awesome president. Historians of the future are just going to wonder how so many people were duped. 62% of people who voted for W think there's a real connection between Sadam & Al Qaeda because that's the way is was 'spun.' It was said by George, Dick and Condoleeza. They since retracted their statements but no one listened.
As another wise person once said our society will be judged by what we do for the least among us. Enjoy you rebate.
Maybe instead of believing all the crap you hear and repeating it like it were some "intelligent piece of news", maybe you should stop and think back a few years.
On September 10, 2001 we didn't consider Bin Laden anymore than a nuisance, either. It only took one day later to show us how dangerous he and his followers really were.
And Bin Laden didn't have WMDs either. If he did, he didn't use them against us... no, he used OUR PLANES against us.
I firmly believe that the ONLY difference in Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein is timing.. Osama attacked us and Saddam didn't.. yet. But given more time, I can almost guarantee you he would have. He certainly wanted to and it was only a matter of time until he did.
It's amazing.. these same people who criticized Bush for taking the proactive stance and taking out Saddam before Saddam took US out are the very same people who blamed Bush for not doing enough to protect us from Osama and 9/11.. As I have said before, democrats are hypocrits through and through!!!
Actually you're incorrect on quite a few things here...George W was given a briefing by the CIA during his summer "vacation", that stated that Bin Laden was determined to strike within the US. And before you try to say that's BS, check out the Senate hearing video testemony of Condoleza Rice who verified that the briefing outlined Bin Laden's determination. Perhaps if he had been in the office more often than playing cowboy on his Texas ranch, he would have paid more attention.
As far as the difference between Sadam and Bin Laden, I understand that they're both evil men who don't have the good of anyone else on their minds or in their hearts. However, preemptive wars are something that the US has never engaged in before. Bush's actions have pleased half the country and horrified the other. And what side of that divide you fall on tells me a lot about your personality.
And whether you like it or not, Democrats are not going to go away. And let me assure you they don't have the corner on the market for hypocrits. Perhaps the fact that the economy has been so run down Bush's administration, along with the lose of jobs, isn't quite so much of an unfortunate cir****tance for Bush. After all, all those 18 year old inner city kids are gonna need some way to make a living....and he just happens to have this war he needs fighting.....something to think about.