Kerry supporters please answer question
1) tried to destroy our military
2) tried to raise taxes many times (even though he says he wants to lower them... yeah right!)
That's about all I can think of... certainly nothing GOOD has come from that man..
Actually after what he did to the true heroes in Vietnam, I really can't call him a MAN.. traitor's more like it.
In a way you're right. I personally am so disgusted at our PRESENT incompetent leadership and dismal FUTURE Should Bush win, I don't have a lot of energy to research Kerry's PAST.
I just know that he had the balls to fight in Viet Nam, unlike Bush or Cheney. I feel he understands the horrors of war and will work to keep us out of them instead of rushing to get us into them. I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 in a room full of Republicans. Some were shaking after it, some in tears after seeing the war scenes.
No Kathy,
It's not a lack of energy... be honest, you can't think of anything good that Kerry has done in his 20 years as a senator, except make Teddy Kennedy look better (didn't know that was even possible till now!)
Kerry is not a war hero.. to call him that mocks those thousands *****ally were heroes in the wars we have faced. No, hero is not a correct word to describe him... How about TRAITOR?? Yeah, that works!
No one likes war.. I don't, I'm sure most of these people on this site don't and I don't think George Bush does either.. But speaking of BALLS, Our President had the balls to face those terrorists head on without flinching and running away and sticking his head in the sand like your buddy Kerry would if he were president.
I am being honest. I'm not as familiar with his record as I should be. The people of Mass. must be happy enough with him to have re-elected him.
Well according to the US Navy Kerry is a war hero. They have records to prove it. I have no reason to doubt the Navy. Why do call him a traitor? Because he had an opinion -- took a stand. Gee first he has the guts to enlist in the Navy, when he could have gotten deferrals like Dick Cheney. Then he comes home and has the guts to disagree with popular opinion and stand up before the country and speak them. Deserters are traitors and we all know who that describes!
Well it looks like George Bush loves war or at least sending other peoples kids to war. Afghanistan was one thing. I agree with going there, but he blew it and let Bin Laden go. If he hadn't diverted the troops to Iraq, maybe we would have caught him.
None of you Bush people can explain to me, why Iraq? Why not Saudi Arabia? After all 15 of the 19 highjackers came from there. They harbor terrorists on a huge scale. NO, he has a different agenda and it sure isn't patriotism or keeping us safe on our soil.

Hmm, No Surrender..
Could you please show me where you get your info?? So far I've only heard bits and pieces of Kerry's record. I guess he's ashamed of the rest and is trying to hide it. I can't even find his voting record You'd think if it was so darn impressive, there'd be a link to it on the front page.
By the way, where do you get YOUR news?? CBS? Dan Rather?? You call Dan Rather the REAL STORY when his stories are based on fake documents??
You know - I don't know the answer. But - I can see what Bush has accomplished in his 4 years (And lived through what he accomplished in Texas for 4 years!) - and I say he got his chance and quite frankly he f***ed our country up more then ever...I would rather give Kerry a chance then have another 4 years of a dismal economy and more of our young people being killed in a war that never should have been.