Anyone seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
I just got out of a totally packed theater for the 1:45pm show in Nashville, TN. I've read that every theater it's playing in--in pretty much the whole country--is sold out.
I laughed, bawled, and clapped with everyone else in the theater and finally feel hopeful about like-minded liberals getting together
and working towards ousting that fear-monger
from office!
Anyone else out there?
Erin in Nashville

I saw it and I think it's a very powerful movie.
Those that refuse to see it wouldn't change their minds anyway.
But if enough "independents" see this movie, it will sway the election.
How anyone can still support Bush after all that has happened is completely beyond me. He tramples on the Bill of Rights and then says that people attack us because THEY hate freedom..... Jeez.
Go****hought I was alone out there. Thanks, ladies, for voicing your opinions here, too. I was on vacation and took my whole family to see the movie. We said the same thing--how can you still see American values in what the Cheney-Bush machine has done in the last four years?
My family will be voting Kerry-Edwards in November, I'm proud to say.
I find it ironic that even most liberals admit that this movie exaggerates and propses issues that have since been proven false but they like his basic conclusions so they like the movie. There is a case to be made against the war but this movie doesn't make it - at least not truthfully. I would much rather have seen a thoughtful, accurate examination of the issue.
I don't think that the movie is just about making a case against the war. I think it's about making a case against GWB--and I think Moore delivers on many levels.
And while there are some exaggerations, there is plenty of truth too.
Why this country, after all that has happened and all that is still going wrong, needs anyone to make a case against GWB is beyond me. GWB has made is own case of why you shouldn't vote for him. If you don't see it, you're not paying attention.
I disagree. I am glad GWB was so strong and continues to be strong on terrorism, the economy is improving, my taxes are lower (and I am in the middle of the middle class as it is possible to be!) and I definetly don't want to kowtow to our supposed 'allies' France and Germany. France has been against virtually every U.S. position since WWII. They are not a serious world power.
But I have concerns about Iraq and how it was handled. And I don't think the current discussion and Fahrenheit 9-11 is even asking the right questions. If anything, it almost makes it too easy for Bush supporters becasue the movie is so obviously a distortion. The issue is not whether Bush lied - the issue is that we went to war based on bad intellegence! Thats bad enough! Not just our own but virtually every other nation's as well! There may very well be countries in the future that DO pose a serious threat (Iran, North Korea) but we will be constrained on dealing with them becasue of the bad intel on Iraq.
GWB attacked a country that didn't even have anything to do with the terrorists. That's not what I call strong on terrorism. In fact, given that there was no Al Qaeda/Iraq link you can be sure that the invasion of Iraq did nothing more than make MORE terrorists. Now, in the eyes of Muslim extremists, we are a country that attacked a sovereign Muslim nation with no good reason.
I'm sorry, but I truly believe that Bush's actions have done more to stir up anti-American hate and more to further the cause and resolve of the terrorists.
And you know what? I'm not buying the bad intelligence story. Scott Ritter and Hans Blix were both saying, BEFORE THE INVASION, that Iraq didn't have anything serious enough to make them an imminent threat. Richard Clark and Paul O'Neil have both said that when it came to intelligence, Bush didn't want to hear anything that would weaken his case against Iraq.
So we invaded Iraq, who was not at all a threat, and we're stuck there. And our military resources are stretch to the limit. You mentioned Iran and North Korea. How are we going to be able to deal with them now that we're stuck in Iraq?
And as for the economic recovery..... did you notices that income has not increased at all. And jobs? We're still more than a million jobs down from when he took office. This "economic recovery" is a hard sell.
But they DID have a lot to do with terrorists. Hezbolah, al-Aksah and so forth. And virtually every other countries intelligence service (including France, Russa, Germany, etc) were saying the same thing. In fact, in todays Parade section they have a story on Tommy Franks, the commander of the army in both Afghanistan and Iraq and he said that both Jordan's King Abdullah and Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak told him personally that Sadaam had chemical and biological weapons and that he would use them. So its not exactly like President Bush made this up out of thin air!
Actually, our income increased by about 15% in the last couple of years. Most of our neighbors & family are doing better as well. All the numbers point to an economic recovery.
Look, I'll admit President Bush does some things I don't like. He spends too much, the post-war in Iraq could have been handled better, to name a couple. But I certianly don't like Senator Kerry's voting record, voting against virtually every major defense bill, as well as bills increase funding to the intelligence services. I also don't like that he voted for the war and then agaisnt the funding. From talking to my Democratic friends I get the idea that they are more 'against' Bush than 'for' Kerry. In other words, they are not too wild about him either!