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Thank you so much for your response! I am back down to 149 and continuing to stay hydrated but lose about 1-1.5 lb a day. Crisis averted lol.
I pretty much had everything done LBL, Brachio, BL w/ Aug and thighs. It was about 11 years ago so I'm sure pricing has changed and I did have insurance pay for the panni portion and hospital stay. I think total it was about $23k or so.
May I ask what procedures did you have and how much did you have to pay?

Elia Maria Saenz
I'm in GR and years ago used Dr. Andrew Livingston. He has office space in with Grand Health Partners. He and his office staff did everything they could to help me get my insurance to cover it. After an appeal they did cover my panni portion and the hospital stay.
Since he does share office space and doesn't have his own facility like a lot of the other plastic surgeons I found his pricing very reasonable. My cousin who works for a plastic surgeon said I got a great deal as for what I paid for all 4 procedures they probably would have charged for just one.
swelling after plastic surgery is very normal. It's usually the worst the first 2-3 months, although for some people it can last up to a year (although it's not as bad - and not as often - as it was the first 2-3 months). I don't think I gained weight after my first plastic surgery, but I did after my second. As long as you've stuck to your food plan, it's likely just fluid from the swelling.
Hi everyone, I am 32 years old and had my first round of plastics last Tuesday, September 3 -- an arm lift and a breast lift w/ aug. I weighed 144 that morning and yesterday I weighed in at 158. I am GOBSMACKED omg. The compression garments help a lot but they just squish out all the fluid to adjacent areas like my wrists/hands and abdomen. I am really just all around swollen. My thighs haven't touched in years and suddenly even they are chafing again.
I see my surgeon tomorrow for our one week post-op appointment and have sent her pics and I also saw her at day 3 post-op for her to change the dressings on my arm. My surgeon has tried to reassure me the swelling is normal and I really do trust her, but 14 pounds normal? Did anyone else go through this?
No Dr Sauceda is affiliated with a full service totally modern hospital .
He assigned a nurse to me post op and she cane to the hotel twice a day to change dressings and help me bathe - I felt so good after 3 days I flew home !
it was a little difficult to manage the post op compression garments and washing them every day at home but my fiancé helped a lot also with showering and washing hair and we got through it together ... he actually said it was kind of hot ... like having a life size inflatable doll :0
My experience is insurance will pay a very limited amount for very limited surgery ... they will pay for a panni removal for regaining mobility but not a tummy tuck . So you still end up paying to look good !
I found a great surgeon in Mexico for about 1/2 the price .. a real artist . I felt safe cared for and he really made me look and feel beautiful at a reasonable price . I could have tried to get similar surgery partially paid for in the US through insurance - but I would have paid more for less than by simply medical touristing to Mexico.
I really want to do my breasts and stomach done but so afraid of recovery process. Drainage tubes and
It went great! I did another post 6 weeks ago, lots of info. :)
HW: 286
SW: 264
CW: 163
RNY on 7/10/18 with Dr. K. Vaziri, Washington DC
Extended TT, Breast Lift, and Lipo with Fat Transfer to Buttocks on 7/24/19 with Dr. Joseph Michaels
Lower face and neck lift, 7/27/20, Dr. Henry Sandel