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Hey everyone! Finally getting around to my 2nd skin removal surgery (had arm and breast lift, along with a tummy tuck in November 2018). I'm hoping anyone who has already endured the procedures in my subject line can give me some advice on recovery. (I recall after tummy tuck several folks recommended sleeping in a recliner - that worked fabulously!)
I'm mostly worried about inner thigh healing/pain, and the ride home - specifically trying to get in and out of my sons Camaro and trying to get up the stairs to my bedroom once I make it out of the car! Should I let him use my car to pick me up since the seats are not quite as low???
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Gwen,
It's been a while since I've been on here - I hope you are doing well!
Please share your regrets regarding extending your incision down into your calves. Dr. Michaels is doing my extended thigh lift in early November, and I absolutely asked him to go below the knee. Please let me learn from your experience!
Hoping your daughter is doing well and on the road to recovery. From what I've read and it's covered under your insurance, you will need to go to a surgeon who is approved under your plan (and classified as non-cosmetic) or you will have to go to a surgeon who is willing to process the insurance paperwork and I think those are not in mass quantity. There is also a ton of paperwork that must accompany any approval so I have heard that you need to be persistent to notify your doctor of any issues that may present themselves so everything is documented. If you have already been approved then only the codes in which you've been approved for will apply. I was researching and found additional information in the articles section y-procedure/
Everything had healed up great and I love my after market belly button! ? My insurance paid first over 90% of it and I think it cost me about $1700 out the door!
HW: 398.8 SW:356 GW: 175 CW:147
In my experience, it states that the insurance will pay for skin removal if it hangs below the pelvic bone. Now this is a PPO Medicare Advantage plan. However, when I went to the plastic surgeon I was told it has to reach the pubic bone. After all the issues I need something positive. Now I'm falling and having seizures. So it added a bulged disc in my back and I've already broken the pelvic bone and had a compression fracture in the L1 and L2. So I've had Kyphoplasty, I never had the other plasta for my pelvic region. So I'm going to fight.
Hello Liz, hope all is well and your are safe.. how did your surgery go.
I understand exactly what you mean . I had a full tummy tuck last monday on August 10th. I been able to do alot of things for myself but wiping my own bum after a bowel movement hasn't been one of them. I just don't have the reach I had before , I know that in time I will be able to wipe on my own but right now I depend on my children (daughter). Don't get me wrong I do sit on the toilet and try but I just can't reach enough.
Hello, you are not alone in your pain. I have been suffering from drop left foot, vein deficiency and polyneuropathy since waking up from my abdominalplasty March 21,2018
Thank you so much you look like a million!!!! I really want to get it done now