Recklessly I Jumped the Gun on Body Improvement!
Since I?m taking care of myself better now I made an appointment for a free consultation for a fairly new body sculpting procedure.
My intention was to address the dorsal fat pad ( not large ) usually referred to as ? dowagers hump? on the back part of my neck / shoulders that visually makes me appear more hunched over than I am .
It?s not a lot of fat but visually very significant and Dr. Sauceda doesn?t do this. ( nor internally slinged breast lifts that allow the relatively big breasted to go braless unfortunately )
Anyway AirSculpt is a patented liposuction and laser tightening procedure - virtually scarless !
I was expecting nonsense like dermafreeze - these are very expensive lipo alternatives that give nowhere near the result I at least need after significant weight loss and loose skin .
But the AirSculpt before and after book and particularly the amazing results on their model- like financial negotiator Jillesse were ASTOUNDING. She says she?s been with them 18 years and was quite heavy originally and gained even more with pregnancy.
- She was 270 - ( six feet tall though I?m sure she was still beautiful) with weight mostly concentrated in her legs / butt area which we all know is the toughest to lose from. She?s had eight procedures and ( I made the poor lady almost totally strip down in utter amazement..
) even her thighs and knee area look totally smooth and natural ! And her underarms- no bra overhang , back fat ?. Wow !! I think it's due to extra skin shrinkage from the laser tightening.
- And I was very pleasantly surprised at their prices and clientele ( one actor posted on their website about presenting for hours during the Times Square ball drop )
- Their waiting room was filled with beautiful young people too ?media types some of them .
So , recklessly of course I signed up and even gave a deposit for surgery Monday for underarm fat , the dorsal fat, laser skin tightening of my front and back legs , upper abdomen lipo and the creation of a waist lol ( through some flank fat removal I think ) .
I can?t wait ! Unfortunately because of my home-saving grant requirements I need to NOT spend my cash until those are secured
. They were very nice about returning my $1000.00 deposit to reserve the date when I called them early the next morning.
After this their surgeon was very honest that I'm still going to need loose skin removal via an upper body lift .
But this will hopefully reasonably and safely fix everything else. I'll post before and afters for sure !
My only disappointment was I asked for the price of " six pack" surgery where the fat is removed so the underlying muscles are permanently revealed .
The doc said after feeling me up - " You don't HAVE and underlying six pack
! She was laughing but she's right - I hate core work and it shows !
Gotta get on it !
Wow, your progress is impressive! I'm excited to see you taking care of yourself and exploring new options to improve your health and appearance.
welcome to geometry vibes!