Best plastic surgeon in Austin or surrounding areas?!?
Easy to search based on location. Should choose beauty salons with experience and quality. Consider qualifications and level to make a decision.
coreball bringing explosive clicker ball shooting!
Stoopid question but since youre in the neighborhood why not travel to Monterrey?
The best plastic surgeon many of us know and love who does MAGNIFICENT work ( he?s an exceptional artist / sculptor of the human body ) and extremely caring and medically safe is Dr. Francesco Sauceda .
So many posters here have had beautiful work done by him ( quite reasonably compared to stateside surgeons too ) including myself ( belt lipectomy ( LBL) thigh lift ,arm lift, neck lift , Brazilian Butt Lift and facial rejuvenation .
GORGEOUS results I kid you not that work with my ( bad ) posture and many body flaws to make me appear far more beautiful than the sum of my parts .
This is where the art comes in! I can give you his number if you message me . Best of luck with your choice - Ava