Pannilectomy approval?
Hello friends,I recently got approved for a pannilectomy,but really would like a tummy tuck.I have 2 insurances,my secondary didnot cover it,said they didnt have enough info.With that being said could i appeal the secondary to get it approved and will that effect my approval?Has anyone been through this situation?
Contact the company and ask what they require to approve the surgery. Most of the time, though, you pay the surgeon the difference between the cost of the panni and the tummy tuck. Ask you surgeon's office for advice. Most surgeons have an insurance coordinator that can advise you.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I'm in process with this waiting for approval and have a primary and Medicaid on side. My surgeon is reconstructive and said I would be qualified for panni and tummy tuck. He also submitted my inner thighs and thinks I have a chance fue that to be covered and later my arms and breasts. He's amazing! I hope you get it!