Plastic surgery help
No regrets, can only say that recovery is harder than with the initial weight loss surgery. These are long surgery's and I would recommend getting it right the first time. Don't plan to go back and "fix" things. I have seen pictures of people with the "dog ears" at the sides and they have had to go back and fix them. If you think you may be one of those candidates, I would recommend the 360. If you think that you only need the TT and won't have any problems with the sides or the back, then only get the TT. I am very happy with the 360. I definitely needed the help with the sides and the back.

I also have an office job, but I took 3 weeks off. I was still a little sore but it was tolerable when I came back to work. It does take time to feel somewhat normal again. I had an awesome surgeon and he did a beautiful job on my TT. I'm 5 months out and I still feel numb around the incision area and a little tugging still going on. But I do LOVE my new tummy! I went down a whole pant size! Good luck.
Hope for 2, have a back up plan for 3 or 4. Google Hangout is a great way to teleconf.
Honestly it all depends on wether or not you are carrying a lot of loose skin in your back. I lost 152lbs which is nearly half my size. Funny thing was I carried it all in my front. So I went into a consultation thinking I would need to go with a LBL and found out that I only needed a full abdominalplasty.
I had that done on January 19th along with breast lift and augmentation as well as a small touch up on my arm (had an arm lift last july).
I am so thrilled with my TT results. It was a very long recovery for me given I actually had 4 surgeries at once so take it with a grain of salt. Even today 12 weeks post op, I still feel it if I move a certain way, such as rolling over in bed too quickly.
That being said, of the 4 surgeries I had, my full abdominalplasty was the easiest. It was the hardest in the first 3 days and I even had a pain pump inserted directly into the muscle which lasted 3 days. After those first few days I would call the TT discomfort and not pain. My breasts were painful. My surgeon tells me I am opposite girl. LOL! I guess most complain of the tummy pain vs breast pain.
I am so thrilled with my TT results. Yesterday for the first time in 30+ years I wore a pair of my favorite lucky jeans with a top tucked in and a nice belt. My tummy is flat and tight. I have the tiniest amount of loose skin on my sides and I do mean tiny, it does not hang, it does not show. If I had been worried about that I could have gone with a fleur di lis but honestly it was not necessary and my surgeon recommended not doing it either.
Oh, and my doc gave me the cutest little inny belly button. She is a perfectionist and did not want anyone to be able to tell that I had a TT so all of the stitches were on the inside of the belly button. You cannot tell. Also my scar is so low that I could wear a bikini and no one would see them either. I had NO healing issues and already the scar is flat, thin and fading more each time I use the BioCorneum.
BEst of luck to you!