2 Days Post Op from Lower Body Lift with Dr. Capella

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 6/30/16 7:30 pm - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

If you are thinking of having any more PS, invest in the recliner for sure.  I got my off of craigslist for $40, but I was watching for a few weeks.

This is what I started with -

A reclining beach chair, but a used Power recliner is about the same price. 




Cindy Cooney
on 7/3/16 5:46 am - NJ
DS on 06/30/14

We bought a used recliner and I have been sleeping and sitting in that recliner for the last 2 nights.  I have gotten better sleep and the swelling in my feet is gone.  

I am tolerating the tightness.  Now onto the drains that I was never a fan of, but I know they serve a purpose.  Better to have them drain and get rid of the fluid.  The issue is that while 3 of my drains have lightened entirely - 2 are just starting.  So I have even started to take the injections for blood clots.  

So did any of yiou had issues with the drains not changing color? 




RNY - 3/26/14

HW - 380

CW 0 259

DS - 7/30/14

HW - 285

CW - 264.4

Dr. Greenbaum

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 7/6/16 11:01 pm - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

So glad the recliner is helping!!

I did not have lower work - so no experience with drains from me.


on 7/28/16 8:08 am - TX

The color of the drainage was never an issue.  Just the amount.  Once it hit below a certain level of output, they were pulled.  They all seemed to do their own thing as far as type of drainage.

Cindy Cooney
on 7/7/16 4:55 am - NJ
DS on 06/30/14

I had my follow up with my surgeon and I had recorded all the outputs from all of the drains and created a nice chart in excel with formulas that would calculate the output.  The number 4 drain was still draining the most, all drains had decreased.  Well Dr. Capella didn't even wanted to see the chart - he pulled all 3 from my groin - 2, 3 and 4.  I only have 2 drains which are 1 and 5 and they are up higher on my hips.  

I have had some periods of swelling, but that is par for the course.  Basically this week I am trying to survive the heat.

RNY - 3/26/14

HW - 380

CW 0 259

DS - 7/30/14

HW - 285

CW - 264.4

Dr. Greenbaum

on 7/27/16 8:42 pm

Five drains? Where are they located? I had surgery with him years ago and had 4 drains. I am just curious where your 5th drain is. 

It took weeks before I could stand up straight or lay flat in a bed. Hang in there. It gets better. xxx ooo

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


Cindy Cooney
on 7/28/16 4:13 am - NJ
DS on 06/30/14

3 in my groin and 2 in my backside.  I lost a total of 190 pounds.  So maybe with all the skin I needed an extra drain.  Who knows?  I love this surgeon and now I am 4 weeks out.

I want to thank you.  Your blog really helped me ease me about this surgery.  Everything about your OR experience was correct.  By far this was the best experience I have had preoperative.   His whole staff and Scott are wonderful.  

Question - why did you choose another surgeon for the facelift?   I will be doing a face lift at some point down the road.  Right now I want to finish the body contouring.

RNY - 3/26/14

HW - 380

CW 0 259

DS - 7/30/14

HW - 285

CW - 264.4

Dr. Greenbaum

on 8/1/16 4:07 pm, edited 8/2/16 11:52 am

Wow, what a marvelous weight loss!!! Congratulations. Now having all that skin removed, just wait how you'll feel once you are 3 or 4 most post op when all the swelling goes down... light as a feather!!! 

So he put your drains in the groin or in your LBL incision? With my TT he put two in my groin and that was awful. Shortly after that he switched to putting them in the incision and that is what I had with my LBL. It was SO MUCH better. He changes his technique from time to time... I assume most surgeons do that. He once told me that every day they looked how they could make the surgery better. 

I am really glad that my website was helpful to you. I always find it interesting to read other people's journeys. I am glad that you found mine of interest. I was so petrified through parts of that journey that I wished a patient had published something like what I subsequently published to help guide me. Dr. Capella really did give me much time and attention and that, coupled with the support of other patients on this forum, really got me through it. 

Regarding my facelift, there was a patient of Dr. Capella that had her body contouring with him and face with another plastic surgeon who specialized in facial plastic surgery. This patient was further ahead in her journey and was giving me some invaluable coaching. She advised that I go to a facial plastic surgeon because that surgeon could do a whole lot more for me than a body contouring plastic surgeon. She also said that they were cheaper. At the time, a facelift with Dr. Capella was $10k-11k or so and with Dr. Winslow, my facial plastic surgeon, the facelift was only $6k.

Dr. Winslow also came very highly recommended to me by an aesthetician -- they have the inside scoop. And I fell in love with Dr. Winslow's work when I saw it, just as I had fallen in love with Dr. Capella's body contouring work when I'd seen it. I'd looked far and wide for a facial plastic surgeon and none had impressed me with their work... nor did Dr. Capella impress me with his facelifts. But because I'd had such a good relationship with him and level of trust, it was hard for me to take the leap of faith and go with Dr. Winslow. I am extremely glad that I did, extremely. Dr. Capella was genuinely very happy for me and truly liked my result. I had him guess the procedures I'd had done when he saw me for my follow-up. It was fun. 

One of the things that Dr. Capella had advised when I interviewed him for the interview article on choosing a plastic surgeon, was that you ask the surgeon how many of the particular procedures had s/he done. Back then, Dr. Capella has done about 100 facelifts. When I told him that Dr. Winslow had done over 1000, he said, "Wow!" 

I love them both!! Good luck with the rest of your happy journey!!!

P.S. Also, Dr. Winslow used much smaller incisions and less incisions on the face than Dr. Capella did, which was very important to me. When I asked her how she was able to work with such small incisions, she replied to me in a squeaky little voice and used hands gestures to mimic sewing "I use really little instruments." LOL!!! 



Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


Cindy Cooney
on 8/4/16 6:45 am - NJ
DS on 06/30/14

3 drains in the groin and 2 drains on my hips.  I hated the drains in the groin.  Very difficult to use.  I think when the time comes, I will look for someone who specialized in face.  I will be with Dr. Capella for a while while I complete the contouring for the rest of my body.



RNY - 3/26/14

HW - 380

CW 0 259

DS - 7/30/14

HW - 285

CW - 264.4

Dr. Greenbaum

on 8/4/16 4:06 pm

Oh, 3 drains in the groin, ugh, I can only imagine... awful... but soon it will all be behind you and just a memory. You will be giddy with delight for your new body. The transformation happens so quickly that it is a very surreal experience. Enjoy the rest of your journey. 

As for the face, it is a much easier surgery and recovery. The only thing is that you look really really bad for a while. So be prepared for that. The gal that gave me the coaching had me well-prepared. I think that I may have panicked if she had not done that. My family was pretty horrified when they saw me. I believe that I've posted the photos on Flicker of my swelling and bruising. 

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


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