2 Days Post Op from Lower Body Lift with Dr. Capella
on 6/29/16 1:41 pm
I have a question for all of you veterans of a lower body lift. I decided to do the muscle tightening and Dr. Capella agreed that would be the best outcome for this surgery.
How long did it take you before you could lay down? I am sleeping in a chair with an ottoman. Pain is tolerable and I am walking hutched over which is what I expected. I am drinking and doing protein shakes because I just do not feel like eating. Today I forced myself with some protein. I did my first shower today and tomorrow I will email him pictures of my drains. I have 5 in total. I haven't even looked at my scars because at this point, everything will change and I am starting to get itchy which I know is a good sign.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Cindy Cooney
I could lay down right away. Getting up again was the problem.
Seriously, the recliner is probably your best bet right now. In bed, I used a lot of pillows to both take pressure off various body parts and to wedge me into position to pull myself upright. If I had a recliner at the time, I would have taken up residence in it.
Keep getting the protein shakes in. You need it for healing. Congratulations on making it!
on 6/30/16 2:23 am
Thank you. A recliner I do not have. You are right the problem is getting up. I can sit on a couch and sit up in bed, but laying down and getting up is the whole problem.
Not sure. I slept in an adjustable bed for the first 3+ weeks. By week 4 I was back in my regular bed.
Laura in Texas
53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)
RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis
brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco
"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."
Same as Laura here. I kept trying but just couldn't get back to laying in the bed. The recliner was great for my recovery.

HW 420 SW 369 Pre-Op -51 lbs; M1-19;M2-15;M3-14;M4 -14;M5-13; M6- 14;M7-14;M8-10;M9-11;M10-11;M11-9;M12-7;M13-7;M14-5; M15-7; M16-8. M17-3. M18-6; M19-5. Goal of 200 (220 Lost) Reached Month 15. Goal of 180 (240 lost) reached at 18 months 10 days on 4/.20/13. 57% body weight lost@180. Now on maintenance. Low weight 169.
Beyond Goal
I slept in my bed the first night, propped by many, many pillows..
my hubby eased me into pillows for probably the first week...
then I could do it by myself, very, very cautiously...
I was sooo afraid of popping something open, and so sore from the tightening
I was afraid of laying flat for a long time....
took me a month to work up the nerve to sleep on my side...
although, Dr.Capella told me I could do it as soon as I was comfortable...
I still to this day (almost 8 months later)
have soreness when I rise from a flat position
on my lower right side...
I laid down right from the beginning, although I propped myself with pillows as needed. Only sat in a recliner type chair in the day.
The swelling makes you look very weird the first couple of weeks, between that and the drains. I remember I started to see the 'new me' around week three.
The first week is kind of a blur with pain meds, and didn't feel normal until my drains came out on days 10 and 16. I only had 2 drains though.
Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014
Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16
#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets
I'm doing the upper body next week, but I wanted to let you know that my surgeon wants 80 gms of protein a day starting a month before surgery through a few months post-PS to help the healing process. SO keep sucking those prtein shakes - get your 80gms in.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. I am still sleeping sitting up 2 months after my facial work, so I sort of feel When is this going to end - 6 to 12 months.
I just bought an electric recliner - OMG why didn't I do it sooner. Between shoulder and facial surgery I have been sleeping sitting up for 3 months - my beach chair is getting old. And I have another 2 months to go (at least). I also bought an ICEMAN - tired of peas and ice packs.
I got both off of Craigs list for less than $100 total. Keep your eyes out, you will want an elec recliner. I've been looking for a few weeks and finally found one that even gives you a boost to get out of the chair (just in case I ever do the LBL or have knee problems). I rented a steam cleaner but it is ready to go.
The one I got is not as nice as this leather one, but it functions the same. I am in heaven compared to the beach chaise lounge or a dozen pillows in my regular bed.
Congratulations. Just keep your positive attitude and keep trying new more comfortable ways to hang the drains.
I know I kept them in the inside out pockets of a soft robe (when I was down to 3) and that helped. The lariat around the neck gets tiresome!
Just take it easy and let the healing happen:-)
on 6/30/16 7:52 am
And thanks to you I did buy that robe but right now it's in the washing machine I seem to be oozing out from the drain sites so I'm just washing all my night gowns. U am thinking about buying a second hand recliner