Does insurance ever pay for plastic surgery?
I googled my ins and surgery - it was a no go. Mine required a physical limitation caused by the problem - so maybe a few of the people on TV with hanging masses that clearly inhibit walking might qualify, but the average run-of-the-mill loose skin will not. Some people have said that if the hanging skin causes rashes, and that is well documented, you might get somewhere, but not that I could see it a sure thing.
I easily found my ins co policy on line. You could prob find yours and see what it says.
In the meantime, keep your protein up. The PS I talked to want you in the 80 gms a day range for good healing.
You have to look up your particular work's policy thru the insurance as each company can put on separate riders for different things. I have United Health care & my company has a specific clause that excludes it but you my also have UHC and it covers it.
I did get my Panni portion of my LBL covered which then also included the hospital stay. I looked it up on my works website for insurance as well as called to find out the particulars. Calling is what helped me as I had to appeal as I wasn't 18 months out from my RNY but when I called they told me to just go have the surgery and submit it. I did have my PS assistance and wrote letters saying and documenting how far down the panni helped.
Now my current insurance has a specific clause in it saying they will not cover reconstructive surgery for any reason due to weight loss surgery or extreme weight loss.
I think it's really a shame that most insurance companies won't cover ps after weight loss. #1 it's ugly to have all that loose skin, #2 it does cause rashes etc. and #3 it would be psychologically helpful. If someone can get a sex change and have insurance cover it for their mental well being, then why can't we have PS covered by insurance or at least a portion of it, preferably half or better.

Hi Karen,
I had issues with trying to get my insurance to cover my much needed tummy tuck and arm lift.. My PCP kept giving me the run around. I complained about rashes under the hanging tummy I had and he suggested I use anti fungal cream (the cream used for athletes foot).. Of course, me not knowing any better, I tried the cream. It just burned and made the rash somewhat worse and more itchy. So ultimately, I changed to a new PCP. Long story short, the new PCP did the same, gave me the run around also. I was fed up by then and opted to pay out of pocket. I just had a tummy tuck and arm lift on May 20, 2016. My total cost was $14,275... Surgeon fee: $11,070, Hospital fee: $1980 and Anesthesia fee: $1225. My surgery was performed in Fairfax, Virginia. Hope this helps!