Updated pics for LBL, arm lift, small BL

on 1/19/16 6:25 pm

Hi all!  So I just had a follow up today with Dr. Michaels.  I'm about 4.5 weeks out from having a LBL, arm lift, and a small breast lift (that also included fat transfer).

Everything looked awesome.  He did drain a seroma in my one arm that has been there for a while.  He tried to drain it at my post-op appointment a few weeks ago but nothing happened, so it might have been swelling then, but this time it was definitely a seroma.  Draining it wasn't painful and it was just clear fluid.  Apparently getting those is somewhat common and it's not going to really impact my healing other than me not pushing that arm as much as the other.  I've also had several stitches surface since my body apparently hates them.  Usually they start to poke out and I can just take a pair of tweezers to them and they slide right out.  I had a few that didn't want to come out for me, and yet today he was able to just pluck them right out!  I swear it was like handing a guy a container to open and then the lid just pops off and you're like "I loosened it for you!"

Otherwise, he was super happy with how things look, said I looked awesome (I mean, duh!  haha).  At this point I don't have to wear compression garments 100% of the time and in 2 weeks I can drop them all together.

Last week was my first week actually back in the office.  I did fine, but by the end of the week I was definitely tired.  At this point, things feel pretty normal other than my arms still working on stretching out to their full range of motion and me still being careful with not lifting crazy heavy stuff.  I also still have a hole in my left arm pit that is ever so slowly healing up.

I posted new pics on my profile.  You have to friend me to be able to see them.  Don't mind any skin redness and such, I've reached the crazy itchy point of the healing process.... it's driving me NUTS!  I also had this really weird pucker/dimple whatever on my behind LBL scar just next to where the top part of my "crack" is.  I was all crazy worried for like a week it was going to be there forever.  I'm thinking "OMG, did he like mis-align where my butt crack should be or something?!"  And of course, like 2 days after I take those pics, it's suddenly gone and everything looks normal!  Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of the round of pics that I took, but I figured it's all part of the healing process, so whatever, I'd document it.  I literally took those pics about half a week ago and already I feel like if I took pics right now they'd look way better.  My skin is dry and gross, I have that dimple.  Now those things looks better, the last few glue marks are pretty much gone, more bruising is gone, etc.  Amazing what a few days can do.  But I figured that's a good lesson.  Things are still constantly changing at a month out.  I'm also getting more butt shape.  I have lots of swelling in my lower back, so it minimizes the curving from back to butt.  Dr. M even said today that is still going to continue to change more as things settle and more swelling goes down.

So now I'm at the point where I'm super happy with results and I'm considering whether I want to have an upper body lift with the full line scar along the bra line in the back, or if I want to just extend the vertical scar down my side from the arm lift and take in a little skin that way, or if I'm going to decide not to spend that money.  And if I do it, do I wait until next winter or do I hurry and do it maybe right after valentines day but before summer hits since it will be out patient and he said basically after a long weekend I'd easily be back at work.   As much as I love my new body, here I am trying on new clothes and stuff and I'm hating the bra muffin top that i have going on!  hmmmmmm.

on 1/20/16 9:43 am

Thanks for posting this. It is very helpful. I am interested in all the details so I know or have an idea of what to expect. It is both exciting and scary so thanks for sharing.

Tracy D.
on 1/20/16 12:11 pm - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

Hi Brenda - I just sent you a friend request so I can view your pics.  I relate to the "dimple above the butt crack" thing.  I had the same thing too and it's much better now.  And like you, I hate the bra muffin top that i have going on.  My husband won't even listen to me about upper body surgery and, honestly, there's no money for that right now.  But I'm thinking in a couple years I'll be ready for it! 

Can't wait to see your pics! 

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































on 1/20/16 12:27 pm

So just for people's situational awareness, if I can actually remember to do it tonight or tomorrow, I'll try to post some "before" pics that I have, even though I hate them.  I know that I felt like seeing the combo for other people was a huge help, so I might as well do the same.

on 1/20/16 4:02 pm
RNY on 04/24/14 with

Congratulations on your recovery. What did he have to say about exercise?  Because of my schedule I don't see him till mid February. I can't take being sedentary any more! I started on the elliptical last week and started jogging this week. I am 4 weeks post surgery tomorrow and hope to start back at the gym. 

Speaking of compression garments, do you still swell if you don't wear it?  I find I do and get as grumpy as hell as time passes. My wife can even recognize my swelling mood :)



on 1/22/16 9:08 am
RNY on 07/23/14

Pics look awesome! I think your scars overall look great. I am about 5 weeks away. So at this point did he say is all the swelling for the most part done?  Just wondering because I am ignorant, you mention compression garments... what do you use for your breasts all these weeks? Are they wrapped? Special bra? any bra?

Thanks for the update.

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 1/23/16 11:55 am
Revision on 10/31/13

Thanks so much for posting and I'm glad you are doing so well. You look amazing!

On Monday I'm having almost the exact same procedures with Dr. Cappella. It is very encouraging to see how well you are feeling and looking!

Thanks again for sharing your story and pics :-)

on 1/27/16 9:45 am
VSG on 03/03/14

Thank you for the info. I am starting my plastics journey and researching doctors. Where is your dr located ? Where you happy with all aspects of your care ? Tia. 

on 2/8/16 11:16 pm

Congrats can't wait to start my journey.

on 2/9/16 7:59 pm

Just saw your pics. Your surgeon did a great job!!! Congratations on this step in your journey!!!

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