2 days out from LBL, BL, arm lift

on 12/27/15 10:29 am

FYI to all, I adjusted my photos to be friends only, but anyone who wants to see them is welcome to send me a friend request!  My drains come out this Tues so I'll get more pics then! 

(deactivated member)
on 12/27/15 1:01 pm

I go back and forth in my head about the batwing removal.  How is the pain also the aggravation of the drains in that area?  Congratulations on all of your weightloss success!!!!

on 12/27/15 1:17 pm

My doc actually doesn't do drains for the arms, so no drains for that, yay!! He sent me home with 2 ace bandages wrapped around each arm from top to bottom to help with swelling and some bandages underneath on the actual scars. I go back on Tues (will have been about 12 days but I think hat's only because of the holiday so I had a longer delay).  At this follow up I should be getting compression sleeves to replace the super annoying ace bandages. Haven't really had any pain in my arms at all. A little tenderness to the actual touch and because he did liposuction on my arms too. But mainly it's just itchiness from bandages and healing and then limited range of motion. So like if I reach too far I will feel a twinge of pain telling me to stop!  Mainly everything just looks super gross right now because the skin glue still hasn't worn totally off so there are still purple marker marks and all sorts of stuff there.   On the plus side, since it looks like pretty much all my sweat glands and hair follicles from my arm pit are gone I haven't worn deodorant at all since surgery and still never get stinky!! Woooo!!

I'll add the latest pics from yesterday of my arms to my profile and anyone can friend me to see them. 

on 12/27/15 6:03 pm
VSG on 04/01/15

Looks really good, especially for so early out!

5' 4" tall, HW: 242, SW:215.4 Weight Loss - pre-op: - 26.6, M1: -15.4, M2: -16, M3: -11.4, M4: -11.2, M5: -12.2, M6: -7.4, M7: -7.8, M8: -2.0 Goal of 130 lbs. reached at 8 months, 2 days post-op!

on 1/2/16 9:12 pm

So I want to take the time to post a longer update on how things are going, but it probably makes sense for me to wait a little longer for all the stupid skin glue to finally wear off since then I can just post another round of follow up photos. But right now, I just want to squee that today I finally got on the scale and my 5 pound maintenance range before surgery was 165-170. Right before surgery I had gotten back down to the bottom of my range and was right around 165. Today, I weighed myself, and not even in the morning, so I had eaten, and I was 158.3!! The doc said he took 5-6 pounds of skin, so I'm super freaking happy with that!!! Anything 160 and below is golden in my book, yeah!  Anyway, that's all I've got for now! 

on 1/4/16 3:06 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

Thanks for the update. I have a phone consult with Dr. Michaels coming up.

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



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