Brachioplasty and sleeves hurting
I'm 5 days po after a brachioplasty and the sleeves are really hurting me to wear them. They are cutting right into my stitches under my armpit. I don't think they are too tight, just touching the wrong places. Do you think I'll be ok to just bind up my arms with elastic bandages for a few days and then try again with the sleeves?
Thanks in advance!
I wasn't required to wear sleeves. I did have an issue a couple of weeks out with some swelling and my surgeon used tensor bandages from my elbows to my shoulders for about a week and a half. It felt very good actually. Bonus it didn't bother my armpit incisions at all.
I wrapped my arms (well hubbie wrapped) after surgery with the ace bandages for the first couple weeks and then wore the compression sleeves for the very same reason. After the incisions healed a bit and were not so tender I could wear the sleeves. Hope this helps. Happy Healing and Merry Christmas!