I found my guy and have my date!!! Long post...
On Monday I met with Dr. Joseph Barnthouse in Kansas City, MO. His office is about a 3-hour drive from our home in Nebraska. I wasn't satisifed with any of the surgeons in my area in terms of their expertise or experience with a full LBL. In fact, a well-respected facial plastic surgeon quietly suggested I look outside the area for a surgeon to do my body work. THAT made an impression!
Dr. Barnthouse worked for 15 years with Dr. Lockwood who pioneered the procedure we know today as the lower body lift. Barnthouse doesn't pretend to do a ton of these every month (they're expensive, insurance doesn't pay, etc.) but he gets patient referrals from surgeons in surrounding states who don't want to do that big of a surgery. He typically does 1-2 per month and has for the last 20 years. The before and after photos (more than were available online at his website or realself.com) are remarkable.
He spent 90 minutes analyzing my body and explaining exactly what he would be doing. It was the most thorough explanation I've had to date. He does these procedures in an acute care hospital where I will be required to stay one night. I've decided to add on an extra night for good measure. The hospital cost adds significantly to the price but my husband thinks it's worth it. In fact, after hearing all the surgery details Mike has put his foot firmly down and said that Mexico is "off the table". My husband rarely (never) gives me an ultimatum so I'm honoring his wishes on this.
After looking me over the doctor said that there isn't any extra fat on my arms or legs and that my breasts weren't "too bad". HA! I had to laugh at that one because they're far from good but I've seen worse. He also spent time testing my ab strength and was surprised how strong they were (thanks to my last year of HIIT workouts). He went into a lot of detail about my options as far as tummy tuck, extended tummy tuck and LBL. We agreed that the LBL will give me the best results. If i'm going under the knife, I'm swinging for the home run!
He will be using general anesthesia and said to expect a 7-hour surgery (yikes!). He will be doing muscle repair and some limited lipo. He puts in 4 layers of stitches. The bottom layer will be permanent and the next 2 layers will dissolve in 2-3 months. Then there is the top layer that will eventually get removed. He also uses a couple staples on top in some key areas. He said absolutely NO CORE EXERCISES for 3 months - none.
Surgery date is set for July 8th!! Scared and excited all at the same time. Now it's time for me to really start brushing up on what I'll need afterward. I'll do some searches on here and copy off all the great tips many of you have shared over the years.
Oh, and one more thing - he just about brought me to tears at the end of our consultation. I can't remember what I was saying or complaining about but he leaned in, looked at me and said, "You don't understand...there is a SKINNY girl inside of here". He assured me that I have done everything physically possible through surgery, diet and exercise to rid myself of excess fat and shrink up the skin. What I see today is as good as it's ever going to get...without surgery. He said there was no need to lose more weight and that I am the perfect candidate for this surgery.
In 11 weeks from today I will be recovering from the biggest surgery of my life!
Hi Tracy,
I am so excited for you. I think you will be so glad you did the surgery and that you went for the whole thing. And its great that you found a surgeon who is taking so much time to explain the procedure, and has so much experience with it. I am just delighted for you.
I am so happy with my abdominoplasty, and I suspect you will have a similar positive reaction.
best wishes,

Surgery May 1, 2013. Starting Weight 385, Surgery Weight 333, Current Weight 160. At GOAL!
Weight loss Pre-op 1-20 2-17 3-15 Post-op 1-20 2-18 3-15 4-14 5-16 6-11 7-12 8-8
9-11 10-7 11-7 12-7 13-8 14-6 15-3 16-7 17-3 18-3