Icing on the...
Hi, I am seriously considering a tummy tuck after losing 93 lbs. I have never in my life had a flat tummy, even as a child. Would love some input from folks who have gone through the procedure. Of course I am worried about the pain, but the prospect of what might be is quite enticing. I did get a consult from a very respectable surgeon in the area who advised that I would be an excellent prospect with what likely would be a great result. Are you happy with your result. would you recommend??? Thanks all!
Do it!!!!! I'm still dealing with pain after 3 weeks, but with the help of pain medication (and I'm gradually tapering off), the pain is manageable, especially after the first week. Earlier this week I bought one of those long slinky dresses that are in style right now, the kind that finds all your curves and shows them off. I look GOOD in that dress. In fact I'm wearing it right now.
It's important to understand that you will not look like a model when your surgery is finished. I'm not quite sure what I will look like when the rest of the swelling goes down, but I suspect it will be close to what I look like now. My abdomen is a little lopsided, especially around my belly button. but I'm going to look ok in a swim suit. And I will be able to wear clothes like my long slinky dress that I never would have been able to wear before plastics. I think my second drain will come out next Tuesday and I can start trying on jeans. At the moment it's difficult to wear any pants that aren't stretchy, so I've stuck to leggings and yoga pants.
But to answer your question, YES! I'm happy with the results. For the first time in decades I look "normal" in clothes.
Thank you so much for your response Songer48
I am definitely scared of the pain! Congratulations on you doing this and it's great to hear your excitement about looking good in that dress!!!! Made me smile! I know I will not be anywhere near model like after this, because my legs and arms could use help as well, but this seems to make the most sense to start the transformation! Enjoy all that you worked so hard for! You will have a super fun summer! :):):)
I had a fleur de lis abdominoplasty two weeks ago and I can't believe how well it turned out. I did not have my muscles sown or shortened because it was not needed and I think this is the more painful part.
I was really scared about the surgery and it was so easy. Even easier than my VSG which was also easy. I woke up after the 4 hour surgery with no nausea, no headache. I had pain in my abdomen but it was quite manageable with the pain meds, and I only used pain med for three days. I was up and walking within 3 hours of the surgery. So don't worry too much before hand. It may be easy for you as well.
I lost 225 pounds, and the excess skin in my tummy was significant. The surgeon removed over 5 pounds of skin from my belly!. I've posted before and after pictures on my profile because I think it is helpful for others to see what is possible.
I'm so glad I did the plastics.
best wishes,

Surgery May 1, 2013. Starting Weight 385, Surgery Weight 333, Current Weight 160. At GOAL!
Weight loss Pre-op 1-20 2-17 3-15 Post-op 1-20 2-18 3-15 4-14 5-16 6-11 7-12 8-8
9-11 10-7 11-7 12-7 13-8 14-6 15-3 16-7 17-3 18-3
Hi Carol, sorry I missed your post previously! You are amazing! I looked at your pictures and cannot believe the transformation, Yes, I am definitely scared of the surgery, but when I see results, like yours, I think I can look toward the future and accept the pain! You look absolutely marvelous! Congratulations!!!! My surgery is scheduled for the end of June, wi**** was sooner! All the best to you!
After losing the weight, I felt it was so important to get rid of the last reminder of my former life. I believe it's very important for your mental state of mind to also be happy with how you look when you take off your clothes. I would say just make sure you go to a Doctor who specializes in skin removal of previously obese patients as it's a real art. I have had to pay the price of not always making the best decision and needing revisions. Most people will need to travel to find just the right surgeon, here is one that I would recommend, for his ability as well as his price. Dr Peter Fisher, in San Antonio TX.
That truly is an excellent point! I know i am thrilled with having lost the weight and have so much fun with clothes, but with the clothes off, I still feel the same unattractive and self conscious as I did before. I do appreciate the advice of seeking the right surgeon. I am pretty confident in the one I found, he does collaborate with the surgeon who did my RNY and was recommended by his office. I can't afford to do all the work that could be done, but it sounded after the consult that the biggest impact would be from a Tummy Tuck and the pictures I viewed seemed to prove that as well. It feel that I need to finishwhat I started just a little more...Thank you for your input! Good luck in your continued Journey!
I am glad you have found your surgeon. I must have had at least 10 consults with various plastic surgeons last year as I looked for just the most perfect one to do my LBL surgery. I even traveled out to Beverly Hills to meet one of the top surgeons. Most of the other consults were by internet and phone conversations but I learned so much about each of them. One thing I learned the hard way is that you don't want to make a mistake, and not choosing the very best, that's why I mentioned the surgeon I did, since he is one of the tops in his field. As things turned out, I never followed though and sent in my pictures, thinking he must be out of my price range and now as things turned out, I am having a revision a inner thigh lift to a long thigh lift by this new surgeon and his prices were affordable all along. I am now saving up for my long thigh lift. My LBL surgeon was not comfortable doing the long thigh lift so he did the inner lift which did not correct the saggy thighs and fat knees....I have been at this for 4 years saving for each procedure that needed to be done. I would have to say for me the breast lift/implants made the biggest change in my body. I had no idea what a impact they would have on me, seeing I never had decent breasts even when I was young! You are going to be thrilled as you find the figure that is hiding under the excess skin!