should I lose more weight before ps?

on 3/30/15 4:18 pm - Canada

I am fairly happy with the weight I'm at a and have been staying the same for a few months now. I had originally hoped to get into the 150's, but my dr's have suggested that I'll probably bounce back to this weight anyway and that I'd really need to work hard to maintain at a lower one. Since I don't really spend a lot of time working out, I didn't really think it was wise to get there only to gain again. But, now I'm waiting on a surgery date for a BR and Fleur de lis TT. My question is: will I get better results if I reduce the fat before surgery, even if I might gain a bit back after, or stick to whether I think I'll end up and get the results from my body the way it is now? My thinking is that if there's less fat in those areas, they can tuck thinks up a bit better and any fat I might gain back will lay better under the new shape, rather than let them work with more fat and maybe get a different result if I end up losing a bit more weight later. I hope this question makes sense. 

HW:334PreopW:304SW:276CW:195 Mth1:24 Mth2:15 Mth3:12 Mth4:10 Mth5:10 Mth6:5 Mth7:10 Mth8:4 Mth9:6 Mth10:7 Mth 11:4

on 3/30/15 6:40 pm

Get as low as you want to be. Your result and recovery will be best. At least get below a BMI of 30 to have less complications. Stay at that weight at least 6 months. Our bodies change and settle and some sagging can occur if you lose weight and have skin removed too quickly. You don't want to need a revision later.

12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand. 

on 3/30/15 8:51 pm

from my friend's experience I would also suggest that it is best to maintain a stable weight before PS and after. Especially if you want longer lasting results.

I have a friend whose bmi was 28.5 and she got liposuction which did not last long as she thought she doesnt need to do anything to maintain it.

Had surgery at Nordbariatric, with surgeon A. Maleckas.

Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 3/31/15 12:04 am
VSG on 10/09/12

I consulted three plastic surgeons. All of them said that I should be at a stable weight that I could esily live with and easily maintain going forward. All of them also said that once you have plastics you have a 10 lb margin on the higher and lower weight sides beyond which your long term results may be compromised.


View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 3/31/15 10:51 am
VSG on 11/06/14

That makes sense!  I too am thinking about fillers and or plastics when the time comes.  The 10 lb margin is a good rule to go by, as it will motivate me to keep within my weight goal.  I won't want to ruin my expensive and hard earned results.  Thank you!

Jennifer K.
on 4/1/15 5:11 am - Phoenix , AZ

My wanted you to have maintained a consistent weight for 3 months before having surgery.

If you are at a weight you can easily maintain currently, I wouldn't work hard at losing more weight... my thinking would be if you do that, get the PS and put back on some weight you will be unhappy because of how you looked before adding some pounds back.

First visit to surgeon - 288 ~ bmi 45.1
2 week pre-op 252 ~ bmi 39.5
Total lost - 153 Since surgery - 117!
Goal weight - 155 (mine) 180 (surgeons)
Current weight - 135 (2020 I lost 10lbs due to dedicating myself to working out more and being in better shape)

Extended TT, lipo, fat injections - 11/2011

BA/BL/Arm Lift - 7/2014

Scar revision on arms - 3/2015

HALO laser on arms/neck 9/2016

Thigh lift 10/2020

Ashley in Belgium
on 4/1/15 6:25 am - Belgium
RNY on 08/08/13

I think it's best to be where you want to be before PS.  Don't short cut the process.  If you are happy at 169 then go for it.  

I lost 17 pounds after my TT ( due to complications) and have had to work hard to gain back 10 of those pounds in the 5 months post TT.  I will likely need a revision because my skin isn't tight enough and my mons lift is wrecked.  Everyone is different but I do think that one should be stable and exactly where they are happy weight wise before taking on plastics. Just my 2 cents.  

Revision Band to RNY 8/8/13 5'4" HW 252 Lbs / SW 236 Lb / GW 135 lb / CW 127

on 4/1/15 5:14 pm - Canada

I have noticed everyone here, either asks you to go for steady weight or asks you get as low as possible. Honey, you must know what works well for you first! A stable profile is different for each person. The stable weight of your friend may not stable for you. So, the best thing to do is consult a surgeon and find what would work best for you.One thing I can tell you  is that my friend got benefited from the liposuction she got from Dr. Sammy Sliwin's Clinic in Toronto. There is something called post-op maintenance that you will need to focus on , possibly after two months of surgery. Liposuction is not a once-done- forget-it procedure. The same applies for TT also. I hope your concerns are addressed.

on 4/5/15 3:31 pm

I had maintained my weight at 180 for a year when I decided to get a TT and skin removed along my back, basically the sideboob to the shoulder blades. Sadly, my lap-band went to crap shortly after my plastics and I had to get it emptied and gained some weight back. I eventually gained back 50 lbs and yeah, it sucked to regain after plastics BUT my body looks nothing like it did before, even with regain. 

The shape I got from my plastics has remained, just with some extra padding. Before my TT I had the excess skin and triple layered belly that no amount of exercising was going to shrink. I guess my point is, regaining some weight after plastics isn't the end of the world. I'll see what it looks like when I lose it again, plus more hopefully. Then again, I might be less picky than some people. I just needed to get rid of that belly. After my TT I saw my belly button for the first time! 


Good luck with whatever you decide. And to answer your question, from my surgeon's perspective, it's better to do it at a higher weight that you'll maintain than to drop weight for the surgery and the gain it back after. 

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

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