Swelling, swelling and more swelling post tt

on 11/29/14 9:32 am - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

TMI alert, honestly this post is really for us gals. 

Well, I seem to be doing better each day. A week ago yesterday I had a tummy tuck with muscle repair, lipo on my flanks and mons repair or lift I think some call it, that also included lipo, down THERE. 

One drain was removed from my left hip on Tuesday, it had never drained more than around 10 ml's a day. Ah, felt good to have it out, no pain at all, I breathed in then blew hard out as the nurse removed it. Now I can't wait to get the right side out. I was hoping it would come out today, but it's still draining 55 plus a day, so I guess it's just doing its job.

Yesterday afternoon I went to see my surgeon for a check up and to remove my bandages. I was pretty nervous I admit to see the CUT. I really didn't get to look at it in my surgeons office, we were so busy talking and his nurse cleaning and dressing my incisions and maybe, truth be told I was a bit creeped out, weird for me to be like that but...

My incision was beautifully straight, in a nice angle from the mons up to just past each hip. He obviously thinks I may wear a bikini bathing suit, I still can't imagine that! Wow! Now I know why each hip is so very swollen and oh man tender. I am black and blue down each of my sides, those are my flanks I learned when doing my plastics research, lol! My mons area really started to give me pain the last couple of days, like I had been kicked there, well obviously that's a result of lipo right? No complaints honest, just letting you know what I am feeling.

So, his nurse cleaned me up and put all new gauze with mass amounts of polysporin to aid in the incision healing. I have one small area he said thats slightly inflamed so we need to keep a 'good eye on it' then he ordered homecare to come each day to change my dressing daily after my shower. 

Oh, did I tell you I showered today? Oh that was pure heaven. My husbands catbaths and washing my hair in the kitchen sink felt pretty good but there is nothing like a REAL shower right! 

I had a good look at myself today before my nurse arrived to put on my dressings. Yup, looks pretty nasty but the incisions and my belly button don't hurt at all, I am numb, really numb. Good thing I am sure! 

I am just so swollen,  I guess I was imagining being flat flat flat! I look puffy and my stomach is hard, I know why we wear binders. As soon as it goes back on after my shower I feel held in place. 

Am I disappointed? Hell no! My mons and panni don't make sounds as I walk without the tightest shapewear I could roll on. Swelling is normal and completely expected. Patience, I need some of that. I actually got on a pair of new REAL undies today! Hipsters, haven't worn those in over 30 years.

I know there are a few of you going in for your plastics very very soon! Worst thing about this is feeling so tired and not able to help out. Pain gets better daily, stay on top of them, don't wait an hour past your next dose, take them on time. Take the time to recover, naps are crucial and eat well, get that protein in, fluids and of course your vitamins. 

Heres to Saturday night. 😄


Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


on 11/29/14 10:42 am - LA
VSG on 04/24/13

I've been thinking about you and am so glad you are doing so well.  I can only imagine the pleasure of the first shower!!

I am glad you are sharing about how swollen you are, which makes sense.  While I  expect to be swollen too, I have to say, I was expecting to have a flat tummy after the surgery. 

I know I am getting a mons lift but I will have to ask if I am getting lipo as well.

Rest up and please keep us posted.


"Whether you believe you can or you can't ....you are right! " by Henry Ford

on 11/29/14 11:55 am - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

Thanks Jen. I am still on such a high over this surgery. I don't have courage to post my pics yet but I don't want you to think this didn't make me flat, i am but just, puffy? I can't explain. I am sure you will have lipo on your mons, I am not sure results will be there without lipo? 

Countdown for you now on!


Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


on 11/29/14 12:10 pm - LA
VSG on 04/24/13

I go for my preop Wednesday.  I decided to get the breast augmentation while I'm at it, so I need to bring photos that are "too big, too small and just right"!  It certainly makes me realize how quickly the time will fly.  We  refinanced the house so the money is in order and I am just about set!!  Can't wait.

I am nervous about sharing photos too, so I get it. Even if you don't ever share them I would still take them so you can see how far you've come.

"Whether you believe you can or you can't ....you are right! " by Henry Ford

on 11/29/14 12:16 pm - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

Good for you pal! Now your all set! Yes, I have taken a bunch of photos, I haven't shown anyone, seriously. They will be great to look back on.

I wish I had done something with my breasts, maybe when I do my batwings in the spring? 

Keep in touch, love to year how your preop appt goes this week.


Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 11/29/14 3:01 pm
VSG on 10/09/12

Good news Annette! Hope the healing keeps going well! Yeah that first shower was pure joy! I remember it well! The puffiness will go down and the bruises will disappear. I find that 8 months after my LBL my body shape is still changing, settling, and my stomach is still rock hard and while the numbness is reducing, its still there to an extent. Breasts and thighs..its like I never had surgery there. Amazing. 

Now about pictures...Are Nikke and I the only ones putting our nakedness out there? 

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 11/29/14 11:39 pm - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

Oh hey Julia! Yeah, you two are very brave indeed! I haven't posted one pic yet, none from my weight loss journey either, crazy! I really should! 

Your photos were incredibly inspirational! That darn drain is just filling up again today so I guess I am in for a slow removal, better out then in they say! Haha!

Today is a great day, hope your is as well pal.


Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


Ashley in Belgium
on 11/29/14 7:59 pm - Belgium
RNY on 08/08/13

So glad you are happy with how things are going - though I hear ya about the swelling.  It is a puffy thing isn't it - I really didn't understand what people meant  by "swelling" until I experienced it myself.  I am almost 6 weeks post-op TT and hernia repair and I get pretty puffy at the incision line at the end of the day of if I have been sitting for too long.  My upper tummy (above the belly button) is drum tight, but I also have moments when I think - WTH?  Why isn't my tummy FLAT?  My PS assures me it will be once the swelling goes down and the tissues heal.  My scar is looking good so that's something.  

I am having all kinds of complications but unrelated to the TT so I can't say anything about my pain or recovery because I am struggling with other issues that make it impossible to say what is what.  But for sure I am glad I had the TT done and while I never thought in a million years I'd be showing off my belly - I am glad that my scar is hidden under my panties and that I could wear a bikini and not think twice about it.  Now if only my thighs and arms looked better!!  

Hope your drains come out soon and that things continue to go well for you!  Ash

Revision Band to RNY 8/8/13 5'4" HW 252 Lbs / SW 236 Lb / GW 135 lb / CW 127

on 11/29/14 11:51 pm - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

Oh Ashley, I am sorry to hear your having issues, I sure hope it gets better soon! I feel soooo bloated but at least each day pain when I walk or get up or down gets better. My back is killing me, its hard to stand for too long, but as I get more upright that will be better too.

Still can't imagine wearing a two piece bathing suit, but it's pretty cool wearing hipster style undies! Going p, lol incredible, no rearranging to do, sit p wipe I am good to go! Yeah ok sorry, tmi lol!!

Keep well my friend.

Annette 👍

Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


Ashley in Belgium
on 11/30/14 2:51 am - Belgium
RNY on 08/08/13

It's not TMI - its the truth!!!  It is fun when I look at the size of my undies and I think - Wow - those are mine and it's not a mistake. The back ache and standing up thing resolved for me around week three.  And I only take pain meds if I know I'm going to be out and mobile for long stretches - sort of pre-emptive - but it does get better every day.  I have to be extremely careful about salt intake and I find that if I loosen the binder just slightly after eating it makes that bloat feeling go away faster.  

Hopefully I will find out in the coming days when test results are back just what is going on with me.  I became quite ill 10 post-op and while it looks like the surgery isn't the cause of my current problems it has made my recovery very slow.  Hopefully I will be rocking  a 2-piece in the spring!  

Have fun fliting around in your newly improved body - enjoy it to the fullest - it's funny what makes us feel good - even just a good pee 

Take care - Ash

Revision Band to RNY 8/8/13 5'4" HW 252 Lbs / SW 236 Lb / GW 135 lb / CW 127

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