Which procedure did you find the most difficult to recover from?

on 11/26/14 12:02 am

I had a lower body lift, arm lift and breast lift on Nov. 10th- the arm lift is a breeze! My only complaint is I feel a bit of tightness when I wake up in the morning, but other than that... nothing.

Maneuvering to go to the bathroom was not at all affected by my arms, just by the body lift- however, you will need help washing your hair the first time at least. Good luck and hope you have a speedy recovery :)

on 11/10/14 9:53 pm - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

That's interesting. I'm wondering if it's because I didn't have muscle tightening done... but I had a lower body lift, extended arm lift, and breast lift all done at the same time and I'd honestly rate the pain around 3-4/10. The only time I was in more pain was immediately after surgery in the recovery room before they gave me pain meds. Then, I would give it a 7/10. I have had some really nasty gallbladder attacks and I have said I would take plastics recovery over those any day haha!

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at http://flirtybythirty.wordpress.com


on 11/10/14 11:14 pm - NJ
VSG on 12/05/12

I will find out more about my arm drains when I see him again on the 1st. I am 99% sure he said each arm has 1 drain for a few days. This doctor said he would not even do the surgery at all if I wanted LBL, TT, arm and breast lift at the same time. He doesn't feel comfortable putting so much on the  body to heal at once. I couldn't afford it all at once either way so its okay, But glad you were able to! You look amazing. Gall stone attacks are so bad haha I had 1 at work and almost passed out then a week later had my gall bladder removed. That was the worst surgery ive had healing wise (aside from my tonsils in 2009)



on 11/10/14 10:41 pm - TX
VSG on 10/08/12

LBL was the most painful (I had LBL, BA & BL at the same time).  I've been pregnant and had muscle separation, which makes the recovery quite painful.  My abs are actually still sore more than 6 months out, but not enough to bother me or to stop me from doing core work.  Keeping on top of the painkillers made that recovery easier.  I'd have to say the vertical thighplasty has been the most difficult to recover from.  I heal quickly (in general), but I'm also extremely impatient and tend to push myself.  I had one incision opening in the groin area which led to an extremely painful infection that antibiotics only partially got rid of, so my body forced the rest of the infection out through an addition four small openings in the vertical incision.  Those complications masked the seroma on my other inner thigh was was enormous by the time I got it drained.  That followed about 4 weeks of biweekly to weekly visits for aspiration until it finally collapsed, then there was a hematoma higher up on my inner thigh.  Another four weeks of weekly visits for aspiration.  Nothing life threatening, just incredibly inconvenient, and I'm still not happy.  I'm nearly 10 weeks out from the thighplasty, and I'm still very swollen because of the delayed healing and I was much happier with my body before having done this.  I'm hoping in a couple months, I'll be happy with my body again.  This particular plastic surgery has been hell on my mental well being, but not particularly painful.  I'd take the pain, but the awesome results of the LBL with muscle tightening over the lack of pain but neverending complications of the thigh lift.


on 11/10/14 11:16 pm - NJ
VSG on 12/05/12

I am sorry to hear about some complications you are having. But proud of all the work! I have no patience either but we need to just be patient. Glad nothing is life threatening and hope everything heals fast for you. One day at a time ;o)



on 11/10/14 11:21 pm - TX
VSG on 10/08/12

Hahah, yeah, I have managed to keep my sense of humor and it does help that I really love my surgeon and his staff.  We have a great rapport which is very helpful when I have had to spend so much freaking time with him this year :)  I'm actually all healed up, just some swelling in my hips, butt and calves.  It just makes me feel fat, and as a WLS patient that is EXTREMELY difficult for me to handle mentally.  So, I'm just going to push fluids, work my ass off in kickboxing and with my trainer, and hope my calves go back to normal.  My beautiful boots need to be worn!  Thanks, hon! 


on 11/10/14 10:47 pm - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

Now you got me thinking! I am having the fleur de lies tummy tuck on November 21st. My husband is incredible and I know he could help me if need be in the bathroom, he has done it before for me, but ohhh boy, I guess I wasn't really thinking that I would need him for THAT til I have my batwings done next spring. Damn! 

Poor hubby. 

Good luck with your batwings.

Annette 👍

Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


on 11/10/14 11:18 pm - NJ
VSG on 12/05/12

Good luck with that TT! Yay for hubby being awesome! I will just have to 'wing it' LOL with the potty situation. This should be comical hahaha



on 11/11/14 12:23 am

I had my fleur de lies TT 1.5 years ago, the bathroom really was not that much of trouble, but (if you ever had a baby you will understand this) get a squeeze bottle, the kind ketchup comes in so you can squirt down your area makes it easier in the beginning, also for the shower I used a lanyard the kind you use for your badge at work, I clipped my drains to it and it helped so much!!


Good luck

Start weight: 320
At surgery:  300
Current:      185
Goal:           175

Ashley in Belgium
on 11/10/14 11:46 pm, edited 11/10/14 11:47 pm - Belgium
RNY on 08/08/13

I have had 6 abdominal surgeries over the past 23 years :  Gallbladder, 2 C-Sections, lapband, RNY and now Tummy Tuck with Muscle tightening and 3 hernias repaired.  I am 2.5 weeks post-op TT and hernia repair and this has been hands down an 11 out of 10.  The most painful surgery by far - the steal your breath and make you wish for the end kind of pain.  Before this, my Gallbladder surgery was the most painful.  It makes the recovery of the C-section, and WLS look like minor scrapes and bruises.

I can't say it's worth it yet as I am too swollen to really appreciate the difference and I still have pain where one of my hernia's was repaired.  I think muscle tightening is the kicker.  As far as doing for myself - I was able to without help.  But I had a few iffy moments.  I need a thigh lift and arm lift but not feeling the love of surgery so that will have to wait!  Hope you are happy with your results - You have been through a lot!

Revision Band to RNY 8/8/13 5'4" HW 252 Lbs / SW 236 Lb / GW 135 lb / CW 127

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