6 weeks post op Feur De Lis

on 8/24/14 10:34 pm - Stanaford, WV
RNY on 10/29/12

Tomorrow makes 6 weeks post op Fleur De Lis abdmonoplasty with panniclectomy and mons repair and  diastasis rectus muscles. My hardest time still is waking up in the morning and my muscles spasm and are so tight, and trying to sleep at night as I still cannot lay  on my side.  I am still not allowed to lift anything over 5 pounds according to the doctor. I have a  lot of healing left to do and it can take up to a year even for the process.  I am happy with the results overall although my belly button is not so small might as well not have one, and I do have dog ears on each side. Not big ones but  they are there.  He is wanting to do my back next so I guess he will take care of that then.  I am going to try and plan to have this next summer along with my arms. I have lost 26 pounds though since having the surgery July 17th and I am afraid this is going to mess up my results as I cannot seem to stop losing at this point even though I was never at goal to start with, I have 14 more to go to reach  that goal, I just hope not to go under that.

on 8/24/14 10:52 pm
RNY on 05/16/12

Glad the healing is moving along. I am 2 weeks out and the whole not lifting anything heavy is quite annoying.

In a good way losing more weight is great since you are planning another surgery. If that was it you'd be worried.


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