Round Two DONE!!
July 3rd I went in for my second round of plastic surgery; extensive lipo of the thighs and back with fat grafting into my breasts and brachiplasty. (Literally watched fireworks from my hospital room)
The doctor said all went perfectly and that depending on how I heal there still may need to be ONE more round with a thigh lift and back lift (OY VEY!)
Recovery has been pretty smooth. I took one week off of work and Tuesday was my first day back. Everyday I go home and I'm EXHAUSTED!!! Who knew that just walking around was so exhausting!! I make sure to move around every hour, get in my protein and still drinking two gallons of water a day.
There was a bit of a hiccup on Monday as I had to go into the hospital for an unexpected additional procedure that was not plastic surgery related. I have been dealing with chronic rectal fissures for the last two years and I have had HORRIFIC pain since the end of June. While my Colo-rectal surgeon told me to postpone my plastic surgery, that was just not an option for me. So here I am... walking like the michelin man... with my t rex arms waddling from the butt pain... in my onesie and compression socks becuase my feet look like two baked hams.
God love my boyf who tells me I'm beautiful everyday and has sat through a Godfather Marathon and a Sex and the City Marathon during recovery and even rubs my feet without me asking!