Doctors cannot diagnose a strange bulge I have... anyone recognize this?
Hernia on in incision about 3.5cm. Surgery was scheduled gig three wefts later do as not to be emergency.
During TT (2012)) very small incisional hernia in cesarean scar.
In 2013 revision on TT from the gangrene and how TT scar healed and BL/BR, repair of femoral hernia that my symptoms were pain in lower abdomen half hour after defacating.
All were palpated while I stood and lay down and was asked to cough.
Can you comment on how close your hernia was in relation to your csection scar? I suspect (and I could be totally off) that I may have gotten my hernia after a csection as well. However, it is not right next to my scar. I did have a complication with having a huge extravasation (pocket pull of blood). My scar re-opened a little on its own and began to drain. I ended up having to keep this pocket cleaned out and filled with bandage soaked in iodine solution. Extravasation was on the same side as my "hernia". I am not sure if what I am experiencing could be a scar or perhaps this pocket that closed up but ended up as a mass in my abdominal cavity. However, I suspect that it would not bulge out, thus I am still thinking it is hernia in my case. BTW when I am laying down I can't seem to find it, but it is physically visible when I am standing up. Anyway, I am full of guesses and hope to get some answers from my bariatric surgeon when I see him next.
I've just recently been diagnosed with a hernis- lower right side that I've been told is due most likely to my 3 pregnancies- especially my third which was a c-section resulting in an 11 lb baby! My hernia goes in and out, is noticeable visually when standing and is harder to find laying down, especially if I've just been to the WC. It gives me pain and makes me tired if I haven't worn my support underwear.
Diagnosed by my PCP, Bariactric surgeon and now plastic surgeon. I'm scheduled for full TT and hernia repair end of October assuming it doesn't become urgent.
I would presume it's either
1. pain from the sutures of your muscle plication. These can pull through over time and result in little tears of the fascia over the rectus muscle on the medial edges.
2. If your repair of you muscles are solid in the middle, sometime the fascia of your groins will stretch and bulge as it's now the weaker point when you strain. This won't show up on a CT as the fascia is intact, but it's just very attenuated and will produce the same sympotoms. We see that attenuation not infrequently on abdominoplasty patients and just oversew them horizontally.
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