Question about LBL
I had a lbl about 3 1/2 weeks ago, and I have the same experience. They did not have me wear a binder or anything special (I also didn't have drains), but the surgeon did suggest spanx as a way to decrease swelling, so I wear that sometimes. I can't stand it the entire day, though, so I usually take it off in the late afternoon or evening and do not sleep with it.
I have found that sleeping flatter (ie, not all propped up on pillows) helps, because then I don't have to "restretch" things as much.
I'd say my "stiff" times are in the morning and after a nap/sitting too long. Get up and move to see if that helps. It's also worse later in the evening sometimes.

And I've always had a high tolerance for pain. Next week we leave to go out state to visit family for 2 weeks..Not sure how this will pan out. I've been in recliner these last 3 weeks...There is no recliner where we are staying.

Nice warm shower will help you! Don't feel like a's a HUGE surgery and you aren't going to bounce back to normal in a couple of weeks. It takes time. I feel good from mine 6 months ago. The only residual thing (other than some swelling) is that I am still numb above the incision line. I notice it most in the back. It drives me crazy sometimes because I can't feel the top of my panties and it often feels like they are falling down. Feels better if I wear a cami or tank under my clothes and tuck it in. That might sound crazy, but I bet I'm not the only one that ever felt that way. The numbness is annoying. I think once you hit the 1 month mark, you will start to feel much better than you did early on.