
on 6/13/14 6:11 am
VSG on 04/23/12

I love my PS. He's called every week to check on me. About an hour after I spoke with him yesterday, I took a shower and noticed something funny about my abdomen. It looked like there were stretch marks full of fluid so I did some poking around and noticed the water balloon/waterbed effect. First thought that popped into my mind was seroma, based on some of what I've read about complications. So I called the doc back and went to see him today. Yup. Seroma. He removed 80ccs from the left side (yellowish and clear) and wasn't too concerned. On the right side (probably should have kept that drain in another week or two) he withdrew 240cc (much less red than what came out of the JP drain before it was removed but more red than the left side) but asked me to come back Monday (I'm very glad about that). That seems like an awful lot of fluid. My abdomen definitely feels better getting it out of there, and he was very reassuring and calming, and explained what was going to happen if the fluid persists. There will be regular drawing out of fluid (he's going on vaca for his 25th anniversary and has another PS covering for him, so I guess I'll be meeting this new person) and if it doesn't resolve within a few weeks, he'd have to put in a penrose drain. I haven't been doing too much and have been wearing my binder except for clothing changes and showers. He says WLS patients get seromas more commonly (I did lose a lot of weight in my abdomen after my WLS with a nutritious diet and regular weight lifting and cardio) and has been nothing but supportive and proactive with reaching out. The whole office has been wonderful.

I'm just feeling really blue and weepy today. The weather doesn't help. Mid-June and it's been in the low 60's and overcast/rainy most of the week. Today alternates between damp and downpour. I was off all pain meds (ibuprofin included) for a few days but have needed it the last couple days because of the swelling and the weather. Even the toe I broke last year has been complaining, lol.

Seroma may not be a severe side-effect but it certainly FEELS weird and that's enough to sort of wig me out. I know I'm in good hands but...240ml? That seems HUGS. Yikes!!!! :(

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

5/27/14 - Extended abdominoplasty with hernia and diastasis recti repair

12/20/14 - Breast reduction/mastopexy with bra line back lift


on 6/13/14 6:20 am - TX

Sorry about the complication.  Sounds like your doc has a plan to deal with it.  I understand the weepy feeling. You get to a point where you just want it to be OVER, and then something like this happens. 

on 6/13/14 6:59 am
VSG on 04/23/12

Thank you. I DO want this to be over but understand at the same time that it just takes time. I did not get morbidly obese overnight, did not lose the weight overnight, and truly do not expect results overnight (although the results the morning after abdominoplasty WERE ridiculously, unbelievably awesome). I just want to get back to normal at this point. :) 

Is your screen name an acronym (of sorts) for your initials? I did that with another board I was on (emarray) and while trying to pronounce yours, started wondering if your initials were MLR. :)

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

5/27/14 - Extended abdominoplasty with hernia and diastasis recti repair

12/20/14 - Breast reduction/mastopexy with bra line back lift


on 6/13/14 8:07 am - TX

Oh, no!  I'm unmasked! 

Yup, it's my initials - mlr.  I'm not comfortable with my name on the internet, and it seemed like a nice compromise - and one I could remember!

on 6/13/14 9:59 am
VSG on 04/23/12

I totally get that. I didn't go with "emarray" here because I've used it enough other places that I didn't want to use it here too. Thus, my favorite flowers (pink peonies). ;)-Meri :)

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

5/27/14 - Extended abdominoplasty with hernia and diastasis recti repair

12/20/14 - Breast reduction/mastopexy with bra line back lift


on 6/13/14 8:15 am - Israel
I'm glad you're on top of things and close contact with your PS and staff.
Many people having PS get weepy and depressed even without complications.
BTW my name 'Godzilla' has nothing to do with my size but rather an orthopedic adventure of Ankle Fusion of nine casts over 199 days and each cast was larger than the last.
I wanted to msg you but your profile is blocked.
Mikimi in Israel
[email protected]
on 6/13/14 10:07 am
VSG on 04/23/12

Hi Mikimi, I just sent you a friend request. No idea why you can't message me as I have my profile set to allow messages--I think. Maybe not. Will have to look into it more when I'm not tired from a day of rotten weather and complications, lol.

Anyway, I am so sorry about the ankle fusion but totally get the comparison with godzilla. I guess when you look back on it, the idea is pretty amusing although at the time, I'm sure it wasn't any fun.xo!

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

5/27/14 - Extended abdominoplasty with hernia and diastasis recti repair

12/20/14 - Breast reduction/mastopexy with bra line back lift


on 6/13/14 3:41 pm - Israel
Sorry to say but no friend request or msg from you; and when I click in your name, the OH site shows a long msg implying your profile is blocked.
You can email me (obviously only if you want). I would gladly call and talk to you on my dime (or shekel). My landline and cell both have unlimited calls.
Mikimi [email protected]
Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 6/14/14 5:42 am
VSG on 10/09/12! I got a small one too. Noticed it today, emailed the surgeon and am getting it drained on Monday. It's a tiny ripple, feels like a water bed indeed. Hopefully the draining won't be painful. And hopefully it won't come back.

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 6/15/14 3:50 pm - Davison, MI

At least your surgeon is taking out the fluid.  Mine left it in and said my body would deal with it.  Not happy at all.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

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