Anyone find Plastics make you nit-picky?

on 5/23/14 6:27 pm

I have high aesthetic standards and attention to detail. Not only is it my nature but also a skill of my profession. Hilarious to think that someone with those character traits would allow herself to become morbidly obese in her twenties, but I did. Argh... 

So how is it that I disrespected my body for so many years and now that I have had outstanding results from two pastil surgeons that I can be left wanting for me? Because I want the face and body that I paid for and was promised by these plastic surgeons. Were my expectations realistic? Yes. Otherwise the surgeons would not have said they could achieve them.

Don't get me wrong. I love my results. But there are areas that I want improved -- tweaks.Dr. Capella said I want to guild the lily, LOL.

Right now I am discontent with the hollows under my eyes where I had the SMAS used as filler and the marionette line on the right side of my face and my lip filler. I am having lip filler redone next week at no cost. Dr. Winslow got back to me immediately and her staff called me to schedule the appointment while I was replying to her email  -- very impressive! I will ask her about my SMAS and marionette line when I am in the office. She will not do revision until 12-mod post op.

And most people know that I do not like my breast lift. Dr. Capella says it looks fine but we have always planned to lift the NAC higher because I told him at two weeks post op I did not like the result. I also wish for the inner aspect of my buttocks to be corrected (this is not an easy thing to fix and there is one surgeon who has a technique to address it) and some tissue removed from above my buttocks on my lower back.

My body was a wreck before plastic surgery and after getting the tummy tuck I saw how good it looked but how there was a mismatch wight he rest of my body. So I knew that I needed to address my entire body and face. And fortunately I was able to do that. I am delighted with how I look... I may not be appearing as a playboy centerfold anytime soon but I sure feel like I could be! 

But I am scared that those things I want corrected won't meet my expectations after this last surgery I have planned for the Fall. After that there is no more surgery for me and so I know I will have to live with the results I get. There is no more going back for tweaks and that is scary. What if I do not get the body I want? Well, as I said my results are very good and my body was a hot mess before. Would I love to have a body like a young Anna Nichole? Sure -- but I don't have that kind of money to keep undergoing plastic surgery and flying around the country to got to the specialist i butts, or breast reconstruction, or whatever. And really, I want to get on with my life. I don't want to get caught u in chasing a rainbow when I already have found my pot of gold. Sometimes we don't realize what we have right i front of us. 


Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 5/23/14 6:36 pm - Israel
Your frustrations on how your breasts turned out with their complications and size deformations (I hope I am correct and not patronizing criticizing insulting in any manner as that is not my intent) cloud over how you can feel for your overall acceptance of your reconstructive plastics surgery.
That being said, anyone who has had to pay money for any procedure wants to feel and know they get the best for their body and look and feel good. And they and each and every one of us deserve to.
However there are a few phrases or mantras if you want that go around the OH boards that have read since I have been on (and I'll include a few of my own:
WLS is done on our stomach (or internal plumbing and sewer); not our brains. Head hunger vs body hunger.
Plastic surgery encompasses cosmetic and reconstructive after major weight-loss or GD Forbid breast cancer or burns. I word it this way as in Israel on a plastics ward these are the patients that are in the same ward. Also for any of us applying for plastics via HMO, we need to ask for Reconstructive and not cosmetic.
After the type of obesity (and many of us morbid obesity) issues and out weight-loss, our bodies hang the hanging skin and possible rashes and skin breakdown issues that can cause risks during these procedures. Yet these very same ps procedures are in many ways life-saving for better health and emotional body image.
A good PS may be like an artist/sculptor however the ps has to work with a body that may not be as pliable as the clay or metal an artist uses. The PS can give us patients improvements but not always perfection.
Those who pay money (I'll explain later why I word it this way) expect perfection more than just improvement. You sit and discuss with a PS what you want and expect and you may even se a computer image of what will be - and then there is reality of a body that doesn't always work as clay.
I live in Israel and we gave Socialised Mwdicine and public hospitals as well paying private. We have four major HMOs and private insurance. My TT and BL/BR reductions were only via my HMO and as such I was never shown any computer image to imagine. I accepted/trusted that the PS would do the best that could be done from my rashy/fungi hanging jelly-belly that had 3K removed with great risk due to rash/fungi that would not go away even with showrs drying carefully and various creams abd the concern of GD a Forbid once cutting me that the fungi might enter my body.
I could only have done what my HMO would cover which for me was apronectomy/panni and when I applied and appealed for the breasts I was accused of a full TT being done on me; as if I could see in the middle of general anesthesia that the PS also tightened my abdominal muscles while removing the lower abdominal hanging skin! I am short (152cm) and I think short people their procedures may get done slightly differently.
So flat tummy instead of hanging jelly-belly and scars. And I had complications. I am still happier with what I have now than what I had before.
My breasts were hanging sausages. I did not have augmentations and they are not round or full. I do not want headlights. My breasts are now boobies that are like large half avocados. But I can live with that.
I don't expect to look or be a Barbie/Twiggy. I am shaped rather rectangular. I am short wide and compact - a Volkswagen.
Our bodies are our temples to relearn how to fuel and beautify them. Of course I wish I could look slimmer and be able to go into a clothing store and buy what I want, and I can't. I still have saddle bag butt and inner tree-trunk thighs. I if is had HMO coverage or 35,000SH to pay privately, in a second I would be in the operating table even with knowing the risks I have in wound healing issues.
Bodies are like homes. You renovate the kitchen or the patio or the bathroom and you want to do more.
Is the vanity or reality? We have already discussed this in the past on this board and each person is different on emotional expectations.
I think for you, if your breasts healing had not gone awry you would not be having these questions.
I'm sorry for rambling. I hope you find your inner peace in what you have had done. You deserve to feel good.
Mikimi in Israel
on 5/26/14 11:09 am - Cleveland, OH

Yes, I have become critical of my body.  To date I have had a lower body lift and my thighs done.  I got a noticeable improvement with the LBL but the thighs were a major disappointment.  I now have a pronounced "banana roll" on the back of my right thigh, and this is most likely due to a combination of skin laxity and/or excessive lipo.  I want to have my legs and body lift re-done but am afraid I would receive a minimal improvement.  I could go on and on about the unhappiness with my body.  I am now more focused on botox and fillers and am trying to let go of the body issues but it's difficult especially when we have come SO FAR in our weight loss journeys that it seems only perfection would seem acceptable given our accomplishments and hard work.

          "We live in a society where it's more socially acceptable to be a junkie than it is to be overweight."     --CC Deville, guitarist for Poison    
(deactivated member)
on 5/27/14 8:37 am

Patients that have lost excess weight have collagen and elastin fibers that have been stretched out and damaged. So, you do see a recurrence of excess skin after these body contouring procedures. That is why I try and make them as tight as I can at surgery. However, in most cases, there should be a tremendous improvement. Sometimes we forget how it did look and I recommend you ask your plastic surgeon to see your before photographs. Also, I do do revisions on some of my patients that do want things tighter months to years after their initial surgeries. These I can usually do in my certified operating office room even under a local or a tumescent anesthesia with minimal downtime.

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