Week 2 post Op

on 5/3/14 3:27 pm

I don't have one that really makes them noticeable. I didn't wear much that really showed them. I do have some before but no afters.

I wonder why he prefers saline to silicone. you might want to ask him.

on 5/4/14 2:42 am

I found this interesting explanation from a plastic surgeon on realself of HP VS moderate for upper pole fullness:

"I read all the time (here on RealSelf and elsewhere) that my plastic surgical colleagues are recommending high profile implants "for more upper pole fullness." High profile implants have more projection for a given implant volume, but also have the narrowest base diameter for that volume. Since the "proper" inframammary crease position is a "fixed" one (anything else is too high or bottoming out), the narrowest implant will have LESS upper pole fullness. Wider (moderate plus, or even wider moderate profile) implants will have the larger diameter that gives more implant volume and fullness below the collarbones. 

Sure, the HP implants give more upper pole fullness right after surgery before they have dropped, but aren't these surgeons seeing their patients more than once or twice post-op? If they do, they see that as gravity and scar maturation cause inevitable implant position dropping over 6-12 months, that upper pole fullness is lost when the narrower implants drop into final position."

dr. Capella told me he can create a nice cleveage for me with the saline and I have so much tissue that I do not need silicone. For a woman with little breast tissue, he likes silicone. 

I am so bummed that I have to wait until fall for my breast aug because I was supposed to have it the end of this month. But it is the better approach so that is what I will do.  I am so looking forward to it!

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 5/2/14 6:14 am - TX

I had breast lift & TT Jan 2014 and am very pleased with how quickly time goes by in healing .Yes, you can not stand up straight for as long as 2 weeks or more but when you heal you look so good .My Girls have not been so pretty in 40 years,  I am 68 and this surgery has given me back my life especially the sleeve  I had done last June . There wasn't much pain as long as you do everything slowly and find a way to sleep in bed , 1 night in recliner and I found with pillows all around me I could sleep in bed and just ask hubby to help me turn over .Hope you have support because you will need that 1st week and good luck


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