Thinking seriously about a neck lift...

on 4/11/14 11:11 pm

So, any wisdom out there regarding the procedure?  General recovery time..for example, how long before you returned to work, or when did you feel comfortable to go out in public.  Lots of swelling?  Relative cost compared to other procedures (TT_ armlifts, etc)  And, importantly, how are the results?  Was it worth it all?  I'd appreciate any input- glad to have this forum and you guys around!  Bonnie

  goal!!! August 20, 2013   age: 59  High weight: 345 (June, 2011)  Consult weight: 293 (June, 2012)  Pre-Op: 253 (Nov., 2012) Surgery weight: 235 (Dec. 12, 2012) Current weight: 145

 TOTAL POUNDS LOST- 200 (110 pounds lost before surgery, 90 pounds lost Post Op.diabetes in remission-blood pressure normal-cholesterol and triglyceride levels normal!  BMI from 55.6  supermorbidly obese to 23.6  normal!!!!  



MyLady Heidi
on 4/12/14 10:26 am

I had just a neck lift back in 2006 when I had my tt, it was 4k at a teaching hospital back then.  It started great but loosened a bit again so I had it revised for free in 2008 during my arm lift.  It was the worst of all my surgeries, the stitches behind my ears drove me insane.  I had little swelling and bruising after a few days, so going out after a week or so was fine.  Until all the stitches came out I was miserable.  Friend me to see my private plastic surgery pics.

on 4/12/14 11:12 am

I just had a face lift in February whi*****luded a neck lift and laser treatment of my face.  Price was between a thigh lift and I imagine a tt.  My tt was covered by insurance as it was a part of a breast reconstruction.  If all you are getting is the neck lift, I would think you would heal visibly fairly quickly.  Most of what kept me inside was the eye work and the laser treatment.  Eating was difficult the first week as I had difficulty opening my mouth very wide.  Liquid diet for about three days then soft foods for another day or so.  Then slowly more solid food as the jaw freed up.  Love my results.  I hadn't realized how bad my neck looked until I had it done.  Good luck.

on 4/13/14 1:52 pm, edited 4/13/14 1:54 pm - Davison, MI

I talked to four surgeons about my neck lift and all said I needed a face lift.  They said otherwise I would have dog ears.  It cost 7,500.  I had a lot of swelling.  A couple days later, a day after the drains were pulled, I had a bleed.  My eyes swelled shut and by the time I got to the ER my throat was closing.  I was lucky and they had a guy that was "the best" at getting in ER airways.  He used the smallest one and I had to be awake to do it.

The side that had the bleed looks pretty funky but the other side looks really good.  I had swelling and bruising for several weeks that I didn't realize was noticeable but, friends asked my daughter if I had something done as they noticed my face had bruising.

I know I am not the norm but, it is one of the complications noted.  So it does happen, lucky me.  In hind sight, I am not sure.  The waddle was really bad.  The results...the waddle is now the same as others my age that weren't obese.  But, one side of my face looks kinda like maybe I was a burn patient that had PS repair.???


BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 4/13/14 8:18 pm

Sorry that you had a complication that ultimately affected your results.  These are surgical procedures and complications can happen. I had a complication with my thigh lift but luckily it was fixed so that no one can tell.  But they are dicey times when they happen and you are being rushed back to the doctor or er.  Most other parts can be hidden if problems occur but not the face so choose a facial plastic surgeon wisely.  Can they do nothing to repair the damage?  Or are you afraid to fix it at this point.  I know I was apprehensive to repair my left leg but ultimately glad I did it.

on 4/14/14 10:09 am - Davison, MI

We are still talking.  He is afraid to touch it again.  He is suppose to be doing my thighs.  He said it would only do me in the hospital overnight.  I couldn't afford hospital overnight out of pocket.  I got my insurance to OK doing the thigh extra skin removal only.  His office said twice they would get back with me so I am waiting to get them to set it up.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 4/14/14 10:27 am

Not sure how comfortable I would feel with him if he is afraid to touch it.  Did they ever find the real cause of the bleed?  I know that they never did find the cause of my complication - doc told me before he went in that he didn't think he would find it.  Said that is how about half of these things go - something happens, not really sure why.  My doc wasn't afraid to fix it but he did prefer doing it in the hospital rather than the surgical center.  Any way he can get your insurance to pick up some of the cost?  Sometimes they can make that happen.  How about just keeping you in the recovery or observation area for an extended period of time to help ease the cost of the overnight stay?  I would think if you are having him do other work, they could figure out a way to cut you a break.  Perhaps do the facial repair while having your thighs done so that some of the facility and anesthesia costs are picked up by the thigh lift.  Just a few thoughts.  I would think he would be willing to work with you some to make this happen.

on 4/15/14 11:46 am - Davison, MI

We think the bled was caused when the drain was pulled.  It may have pulled a clot lose.  He spent 4 hours cleaning out the bled and redoing the face lift on that side as good as he could with all the swelling.  According to the PS and the hematologist the FL is the bloodiest of the procedures and bleed can happen with any procedure.

I am going to try to get him to do lipo on the outer thighs and inner thighs while doing the skin removal.  I have to talk to him yet.  If I push too hard I will end up not getting anything done.

I am still in disbelief that the insurance is paying for anything.  No body has heard of them paying for anything but, the pani.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 4/14/14 4:13 pm

I had a huge amount of bruising onmy neck lift. My surgeon said she really beat me up. My result was amazing. You can see my before and after photos in my album. 

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 4/15/14 8:29 am

I just had a neck lift on Friday (4/11). I found this site while searching for a support group. A little about me: I was obsese and had a breast reduction in 2009. After that, I became very motivated and was finally able to exercise without pain. I lost 50 lbs. and have kept it off. I was left with extra skin under my neck, and it has bothered me for years. I finally had the money to have it removed, and I returned to the surgeon who performed my breast reduction.

So far I am happy with the results, but I am very bruised and sore. The amount of swelling has been somewhat shocking. I am wearing a head/neck wrap nearly 24/7 for a week, and I've been doing a lot of sleeping. 

I plan to return to work on Monday, which will be 10 days after my surgery. My doctor assures me that the swelling will be gone or nearly gone by then. I hope so! I only told a couple of people what I had done and I'm hoping I don't have to tell everyone because I still look beat up. 

My surgery cost $5,400 and I had it done in CA. I'd be happy to share pictures if that's possible. 







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