Panni/tummy tuck and mons repair

on 3/28/14 10:05 am - Collingwood, Canada
RNY on 02/06/13

I am booked for this procedure on May 29 and really don't know what to expect recovery or result wise. I would appreciate any feed back, Dr. Tumi Barrie Ontario is doing the surgery.


on 3/28/14 12:07 pm - Indianapolis, IN

On 3/14 I had a TT, body lift whi*****lud.   15 Lbs skin removal, butt and upper thighs were lypoed and lifted, mons was lifted. Surgery was easy but recovery has been slower than rny rny (returned to work in 7 days) dr said it is common for stitches in belly button and small of back to weep. They started doing that on day 7. He said 14 days off of work and I am looking at 30 plus now. dcopop Hurts but manageable.


on 3/29/14 12:12 am
VSG on 04/23/12

I'm having an extended abdominoplasty and hernia repair on May 20. If my wits recover at all, I'll try to get on and post about the experience for you. Wishing you luck and calm nerves as we head into these last couple months of waiting. :)

Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 3/29/14 2:14 am
VSG on 10/09/12

Just had a lower body lift with umbillical hernia repair, mons lift, butt lift, outer thigh lift, full abdominoplasty...I am 48 hrs out from surgery, have 4 drains and a catheter/pee bag. Am walking around a little today. Not in major pain but it is not a cake walk. Its a harder recovery than from my VSG which was really easy peasy. Things are looking good though and I am excited about the results. Best of luck to you with yours!

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 3/30/14 4:10 am - Canada

Congrats to you all for having the gonads to have these things done!!!! 

I have to ask, what is a mons lift?


Beemyne7   broken heart 

Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 3/30/14 4:43 am
VSG on 10/09/12

The pubic area

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



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