Cross post: LBL update

Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 3/28/14 8:10 am
VSG on 10/09/12

Ok so I am a little over 24 hrs out from the LBL and still not in too much pain. I want to jot down the first few events. I will do bullet points coz I may not last long...get tired pretty fast. So here goes:

- surgery was good, doc said all the OR nurses are all super jealous of my new body

- I walked yesterday and then had what I call my Grey's Anatomy moment, blood pressure plummetted and I almost passed out

- very cute Anesthesiologist put me on some ephedrin and things went back to normal.

- had to spend today in bed without getting up and ran a small fever which resolved itself by evening

- I desparately want to cough but boy does that hurt the stomach muscles! It isn't even possible I think!

- I want to walk too. Can't wait til tomorrow to be able to do this.

- Got two bags of blood coz my hemoglobin went low also. That was weird...just the thought and look of it! 

- taking tylenol extra strength basically for pain which really is not significant, except if I try to cough!

- I have four drains. Yuckity yuck yuck!!! And a catheter. That is OK. 

- I am wondering how the first BM will be. Not fun I imagine. 

- Food is great and I can construct my own menus so very VSG friendly, basically protein and veggies but I have this terribly tight binder on around my mid section and I feel like it is tight around my diaphragm and tummy and can't eat much. Very restricted.

- not feeling any hunger

- not swollen so far

- drinking really well and my little pee bag is nice and clear, nurse called it beautiful. I have beautiful pee...yay!!!

- getting one daily anti coagulant shot

- feeling a little gassy but not too bad

- have daily leg massage in very comfy and cool compression boots

- umbillical hernia was repaired and apparently I have a new belly button

Funny story abt the hernia repair, my plastic surgeon wanted a visceral surgeon to do the hernia and he called the surgeon that I consulted who wanted me to do the RNY and who I did not select for the sleeve coz he had only done 9. So he repaired the hernia! Pretty cool. My plastic surgeon keeps referring to the bypass and I keep correcting him saying sleeve....Switzerland is still a tad behind the rest of the world.

Einstein was right. When asked what he would do if he was told the world would end tomorrow he said he would go to Switzerland where everything happens 50 years later.

I am sooooooooooo glad I stayed home for this. I am also glad I did only the LBL and the rest of my body parts are not hurting. Will do the boobs and thighs later when this is all done and healed up.

honestly I cannot imagine how some folks do their whole body at once and live to tell the tale. I am pretty sturdy and this is truly just enough for one time.

and I can't wait when the bandages will come off so that I can meet my new lower bod.

the drains come out on Monday and I might get discharged on Wednesday. That will be almost a week in the hospital. And that feels short. Another marvel at how folks are discharged within a day or two in the States. I honestly would not be able to manage at home now. 

OK...that's all for now, going to try to sleep. Oh yeah, last point of discomfort - my butt is asleep and shifting around is really uncomfortable. 

So far so good. Will keep y'all posted!!

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 3/28/14 9:01 am - TX

Sounds like all is going well!

Yeah, the first thing they do is ask you to cough when you wake up.  They got one small cough from me, then I didn't cough or sneeze for the next 6 months.

Oh, and you have something to look forward to.  The swelling doesn't really get going for a few weeks. 

Enjoy the unveiling tomorrow!

Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 3/28/14 11:54 am
VSG on 10/09/12

Oh my goodnesss...sneezing!!!!! How do you keep that from happening? That sounds like its going to be hellish!

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 3/28/14 2:11 pm - TX

It's amazing what you can suppress when you know it's going to hurt like the dickens. 

on 3/30/14 1:02 am
VSG on 04/23/12

Sounds like things are going well for you, and I hope they continue to do so! I'm a little jealous of your extended hospital stay, lol. My surgeon plans for one night in the hospital and then home the next day after my abdominoplasty. In my experience with 4 prior open abdominal surgeries (2 c/s, 1 hysterectomy plus left tube & ovary through a 3rd bikini incision, and 1 right tube/ovary plus appendix through a vertical incision) I learned to truly appreciate hospital beds with their ability to raise lower head and/or legs and the side bars to help you pull yourself upright or turn in bed. I need to think about what I'll need when I get home. We have no recliner chairs and our couch was purchased specifically for the quite short people who live here. So it's not really good for sleeping. Should be interesting, lol. I'm going to start researching on here some "must haves" for at home post-abdominoplasty.

Meanwhile, I am thinking good thoughts for your continued recovery and hope that all goes well with the drain removal and your return home. Please keep updating as you can--I am learning through experiences like yours and very much appreciate them. Hugs!

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

5/27/14 - Extended abdominoplasty with hernia and diastasis recti repair

12/20/14 - Breast reduction/mastopexy with bra line back lift


Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 3/30/14 3:11 am
VSG on 10/09/12

Well people say healing happens faster at home! But I truly do appreciate the 4 nights here and yes the bed is heaven. You can take pressure off different points and shift around easier. So far really the only thing I can advise is make sure you learn how to stop yourself from coughing. It is simply the fires of hell....I don't even know how to describe it. The numbness is pretty weird too. Apparently that lasts for a while. I am glad I did it. I am sure you will do great too! I will keep posting and as soon as I am near a desk top I will post pictures. 

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



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