Breast lift/augmentation 101

on 3/23/14 12:19 pm - Cleveland, OH

I'd like to hear from folks who had a breast lift/augmentation...did you opt for submuscular implants?  Silicone or saline?  What is is like having a mammogram with implants?

          "We live in a society where it's more socially acceptable to be a junkie than it is to be overweight."     --CC Deville, guitarist for Poison    
on 3/23/14 4:00 pm

I will be doing saline submuscular. I know you are a body builder so submuscular may not be the best choice for you. I chose saline because they have never been recalled by the FDA whereas silicone was off the market for many years. I worked in pharmaceutical for my entire career and know well that the are many products that come to market only to be pulled years later when they see a lot of patients have adverse events. Think phen phen for example. I have concerns about putting all that silicone in my body!

when I got my mammo before my breast lift the tech told me that the saline implants look and feel most natural. 

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 3/23/14 6:57 pm - Canada

I went for the breast augmentation with saline implants. I got the reviews that saline implants are safe enough, and can be done by being inserted through an almost undetectable armpit incision. I did not have problems having mammogram with implants and it was gave a quite natural effect.

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