Help with Planning time off work - which procedure? Love your input!
Hi all -- I am looking into having either ... arm lift + breast lift/implants (one procedure) or a Lower Body Lift. I would not be able to do them all at the same time.
I am the audiology director at a medical clinic - I do not have to lift anything, but to see patients I am up and down a lot and walk about 5,000 steps a day at work.
How long should I plan off?
Would you pick one procedure over the other?
Thanks for your advice!
I took off about 10 days for BL/BA and a month for LBL. I was supposed to get my arms done with the LBL but due to an unexpected hernia and concern of too much blood loss, the dr. decided it wasn't safe to continue, so I am having them done separately in May. I was disappointed at first, because it wasn't easy to get the time off w/o taking a LOA. But it didn't take long for me to realize it was probably a good thing. I was still a little uncomfortable at a month out for the LBL, but it was do-able. It seems like most people go for the LBL first, then the breasts/arms. But I was more unhappy with my breasts and did them first. My surgeries were about 2 years apart. I would have done sooner, but was unable to work the time off for that because of my son's wedding.
The way I figured out order was a simple decision of what was bothering me the most. I figured that, if for any reason, the first surgery also ended up being the only surgery I had, which one did I want the most. For me, my overhanging belly was my biggest hang-up. So I did the LBL first, just got thighs done, and, assuming all goes according to plan, will have breasts/arms done later in the summer.
LBL was a long painful recovery, all from the muscle tightening. The incision was no issue at all. Healed well. Laid flat. The swelling and pain from the muscles was rough. I think I teleworked at week 4, and made it into the office for most of the week for week 5. By week 6, I was back in the office full time, but the swelling at the end of the day was extremely uncomfortable and all I wanted to do was get home and lay down. It was probably close to 6 MONTHS before I could sneeze or cough without cringing. From what I've read, my experience is more the norm although there are people who pop right back after a few weeks. I truly believe it all has to do with how badly your muscles are separated and how much work has to be done to reattach them.
I made it back to work full time from the thigh lift in a little less than 2 weeks. Minimal pain, discomfort and swelling. I'm hoping the arms/breasts go the same!